CHAPTER 1: PART 1 - Welcome Home?

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"Dear Henry,

It's been a while, huh? 

30 years really fly by!

Hey, come by the old studio, huh?

I have something I want to show you.

Your Pal,

Joey Drew"


Henry stepped through the door, and shut it behind him. 

"Alright, Joey. I'm here. Let's see what you wanted to show me." 

He inhaled through his nose, the air smelled of old paper and wood. He missed this place..

..but something about it. He glanced around a bit. The walls were covered with posters of the cartoons he and Joey worked on. He immediately recognized two characters: Charley and Barley. 

He smiled a bit. "Heh, hey guys, long time no see." He muttered to himself.

He walked around the studio a bit, then stopped at a desk. 

He smiled. 

"This is my old desk. It's in perfect condition." 

He stepped over a pipe, and found himself standing before a lever, and a square-shaped thing, with spaces for dry cells.

"Hmm, needs some batteries." 

Henry opened up a chest-like thing, and placed the dry cells in their spots carefully. As he pulled the lever, it made a 'cchhkk' noise, and chains began pulling.....something up. 

Finally, the chains went to a halt,

and Henry found himself standing before The Ink Machine.

Charley And The Swap Machine (BATIM AU FIC!)Where stories live. Discover now