I got to the hatch door and got ready to open it when Lucas said "what's wrong, scared?" That put the fuel in the fire for me. I was sick of Lucas acting like I wanted any of this to happen. I wanted to grab him by his neck and let all that fire consume him, but then I'd just prove his point. That's when I saw a couple of soldiers coming towards us. "Morning miss you must be Auria, my name is Lieutenant Hill, and your friends told me you'd want to help out. Well first things first we need to put y'all in some proper gear".

They took us to their camp that was nearby and gave us some new clothes and food. I had on a white tank top with a sports bra underneath and camo pants. I also of course still had on the gauntlets on. We were all ready to go and the soldiers gave us the run down on what we would see, hear, and experience.

When we got to field they told us we were going to the trenches

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When we got to field they told us we were going to the trenches. As we were on the way my nerves started to get the best of me. I couldn't help but feel an overwhelmingly nervous and anxious about what was to come. Jason put his hand on my shoulder and told me "Hey don't worry, I'm sure everyone here is scared too". It made me feel a little better so I gave him a small smile in response, but at the same time it made me feel worse. Despite all I was thinking about, I pulled it together as we went down in the trenches.

I had never seen any of this in real life, and it's definitely completely different in person. See when we watch movies and play video games it's completely different. Everything is so much scarier, so much more intense. Gunshots and explosions aren't just sound effects in your ears. Dead bodies don't just disappear, they're gruesome and smelly. People that sacrifice their lives don't get to respawn and come back.

I have to admit I was being hard on myself but you have to admit I had a point. Even now in our situation these things don't normally happen. Aliens or whatever they are don't attack your city because their looking for you. It's also not everyday that a group of untrained teenagers are brought onto the battlefield so they can help out either. Then again it's not like I get bombs dropped on me and regularly either.

The attacks had gotten worse by the time we got into position. The soldiers that were with us made sure they armed us with different types of guns. Since I had the gauntlets they only gave me a hand gun. Jason had a shotgun and a handgun, while Chris had an assault rifle and a handgun. Lucas had a sniper rifle and an assault rifle while Daniel had a hand gun along with his medical equipment.

Luckily we all knew how to use a gun, otherwise we would've been toast. Due to video games and laser tag, we knew just about everything we needed to. I'm just kidding we got the real training at gun ranges and we do live in Florida so it's no way we didn't know how to work one. My dad would let me and Lucy shoot his guns when we were with him. I'd always enjoy it because it'd remind me of GTA, but I could never imagine actually killing somebody.
Well I knew I was just going to have to get over it. We were at war and I couldn't let those thoughts keep me from fighting for us.

We couldn't get one shot off the whole time we were in the trenches. The enemy didn't let up at all and there was constant fire everywhere. I'm honestly surprised we could all still hear each other, considering how loud the shots were. It got so bad that people started talking about giving up. I didn't like that idea at all so I turned to look at the gunfire and I noticed something. The bullets didn't seem to be as heavy in the area in front of me. When I looked slightly to the left or right the bullets were raining down but right in front of me they seemed scarce.

I called out to Jason so he could see it, I had to make sure I wasn't tripping. He turned his head but stayed in his spot and I told him to look at the gunfire in front of him. Once he did I came by him and he immediately realized what I was trying to show him. He shook his head and said "Auria it's too dangerous don't you even do what I think you're gonna do". Then Chris came over and asked what we were talking about and as he did Daniel and Lucas came too.

"She's thinking of doing something crazy, that's what we're talking about. She thinks the bullets are kind of bouncing off her and she most likely wants to go out there and get herself KILLED!" Jason said. They all looked at me like I was crazy but no one had a face like Lucas'. I could tell he wanted to say something, I mean he was practically fuming. I looked at them and told them that this was our chance and we couldn't pass it up.

That's when Lucas snapped and got all up in my face so he could make sure I heard exactly what he had to say. "You know I'm sick of you saying we and our when this is your mess not ours. We've been out here risking our lives running around trying to figure this out. Well it's simple these people or whatever the fuck they are, they're here for you. Now you're telling us that you want to charge out into the battlefield like you're some fucking superhero. News flash this is real life Auria, there aren't any sparkles and rainbows and you can't just fix this mess. You have one purpose and that's to destroy us, so what makes you think you can run out there and save us.

His words stung and they sent me deep in my thoughts. Part of me wanted to give up and agree with what he had said. Then the other side of me wanted to keep going a prove him wrong. Deep down I felt like he was right and that I couldn't do this, but I'm stubborn and I damn sure don't like when people tell me what I can and can't do.

I pushed past Lucas and he started cussing me out but I honestly couldn't care less. As I walked over to the ladder all I could think about was the fact that Brian and Aaron were over there. I heard everyone else arguing behind me, well everyone except for Chris. "If I can't stop you Auria, I'm coming with you" Chris said. Those words triggered memories from my dream, Chris had said them there too. I couldn't remember exactly what happened after that but I figured it'd be best if he didn't go.

Jason came over to us and said I'll go with you Auria. Chris didn't like that idea but because of what Jason knew, I was grateful for it. Chris was about to say something when Jason pulled him to the side and whispered something in his ear. Whatever he told him must've been important because Chris backed off. He came over to me kissed me then said don't die okay. If only he knew I thought, but how could I possibly tell him that.

As I walked towards that ladder with Jason, I heard all the murmurs around us. No one could believe that we were about to actually go towards the gunfire. Once I got to the ladder it felt like everything was going in slow motion. I climbed up the ladder and it felt like it took years. I was so nervous, I'm surprised I didn't fall right off the ladder. I started walking towards where the firing was coming from and that's when a bullet was shot directly at us. I put my right arm up so the gauntlet could deflect the bullet. I closed my eyes because I was so scared then bang.

Infinity Book One: MutationWhere stories live. Discover now