Breaking out-chapter 8

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Warning: some violence, mentions of blood

It's been a couple days since I've been stuck here.

The teachers here are stuck up, the head master is a stuck up, the girls are stuck up, this whole school is stuck up.

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

"Delivery from Ferndell Hall
Care of Mr. Mycroft Holmes"
The man says.

"What could he want?" sighing after my sentence.

"Well..", he inhaled sharply,"whatever it is, it's heavy" he grunts.

I grab it and put it in the middle of the room.

"What on earth does Mycroft want?" I whisper to myself.

It starts to shake around, so I kick it lightly.

"ow!" a male voice says.I open it to see Tewksbury and Sarah.I look at them with a shocked expression.

"Oh my goodness", Sarah mumbled getting up, standing in the box.

"SARAH!" I say happy.

She immediately hugs me, I hug her back, getting in the box. Tewksbury gets up from the box and gets out just staring at us.

"That foul git, I'm not heavy, it's Tewksbury who's heavy!" she stated at the door.

"Hey!", he mumbled.

"You're supposed to getting me out of the box, not coming in with me" Sarah smirks slightly.

"Why did you make us come here like this, I could have teleported us?" She argues with him.

"I wanted to be old school" he responded, dusting off his coat.

She rolls her eyes in response.

"How are you gonna get me out without being spotted?" I ask them.

Tewksbury points at the box.
Enola was in the box while me and Tewksbury were dragging it.

"Stop! Who are you? Do you two have permission to be in this school?" a woman who I guess would be the head master said.I turned to her smiling and confident, but it immediately fades.

"Mrs. Dursley?" I mumble softly.

"Well?" I snap out of my trance.

"Well, this package is for the head master " Tewksbury says. I roll my eyes

"I am the head master" She says sternly.

"Oh well this is for you" He added.

"Well let's open it!" she responded, walking up to it to open it.

"I can't, it has to happen in private, we were giving very clear instructions!" I say trying to keep the box closed.

"Don't be ridiculous!" She sighs softly.

"I can't our employer gave us instructions" Tewksbury states again.

"And who is your employer?" She insisted."Mycroft Holmes!" I answered.

"Mycroft Holmes? Oh?" she says blushing softly.

Two girls walk up the stairs, giggling. "You girls take this to my office!" The older lady says out of breath of the thought of him.

"Yes ma'am" They both say, looking at Tewksbury blushing, I roll my eyes.They shoot me a glare.

"Why the fuck is every girl glaring at me?"

Another Dimension [tewksbury x oc]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu