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"The deal is cancelled. You two are no longer fiancees"

After Mrs. Shim said that, Jake basically chocked on his water. Engene moved fast and caressed Jake's back.

"W-what?!" Jake asked. It's not that he doesn't want it, he's just confused.

"It's cancelled. You two are free now"

"But.. how???"

"You two got arranged married because of the deal but now that the collaboration with the Lee's is successful, then we can finally cut the deal. Don't you want it?"

"No, no, no. It's not like that! It's just that, this is so sudden. Ningning and I thought there's zero percent chance of us escaping this nightmare.."

"Well then, surprise. You two are free. And we're sorry for trapping you two in this situation" Mr. Yizhuo said this time. Jake was quiet, still processing what he heard. He stood up and excused himself, going to the balcony.

"Fuck, is this for real?" Jake whispered to himself. He looked at the city view and a minute after, he looked up at the night sky.

"Thank you, God" Jake whispered. A tear left his eyes. Not because he's sad but because he's so happy.

"Thank you, thank you so much" Jake repeated. He smiled widely and wiped his tears. He's just so happy right now.

"Jake?" A familiar, sweet voice called. Jake turned around and saw Engene smiling sweetly at him. Jake instantly hugged him.

"I'm finally free, baby. Fucking finally. Fuck. I'm so happy" Jake said. Engene giggled and hugged Jake tighter.

"I'm so happy for you, Jaeyun. So happy"

"Now that I'm free.. I can finally try again. Engene, let's try it? I'm ready, ready to fall in-love again. And I want to fall again, but with you"

"Oh, Jake, baby.. I'm more willing to try, always, if it's you"

"Thank you and.. nevermind, I'll tell you next time"

"Hmm.. Jake, I love you" Engene said. As usual, Jake didn't say it back, but it's okay for Engene.

Jake usually respond with a kiss on Engene's forehead but this time, it's different. He kissed Engene on the lips. A kiss full of love and passion.

"I'm so close, Engene. Just wait a little bit" Jake whispered after he pulled away. Engene nodded and hugged him again.

"We should go back inside, I'll shoo them away. I can't have my moments with you knowing that they're here and they can interrupt us in any way" Jake said as he broke the hug and dragged Engene back to where their his parents are.

When they went back, their parents are getting ready to leave already.

"I still don't know what to say but thank you" Jake said. Mrs. Shim smiled. She wanted to hug Jake so badly but he knows Jake doesn't want to.

"By the way, you guys can still stay here if you want to. You and Ningning are close already so I see no problem with it but of course, it's your choice. Anyways, we're going now" Mr. Yizhuo said. They hugged and bid goodbyes first then left.

As soon as the door closed, Ningning ran to Jake and hugged him tightly. Jake chuckled as he wrap his arms around Ningning's waist.

"Dude, we're finally free!!"

"I know, right? But don't shout too loud, you're destroying my ear drums" Jake said and pulled away.

Ningning turned to Giselle and hugged her tightly, giving her a sweet kiss after.

Bestfriends But Not Forever • EnJake • #5Where stories live. Discover now