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Saturday, 5:00 am.

Jake is the first one who woke up because of the alarm beside him that's been ringing for about three minutes now.

The first thing he saw was Engene who's still sleeping peacefully. They've been so comfortable with each other again for the past months to the point that they always cuddle whenever they're sleeping together.

Then he saw Ningning beside Engene who's still sleeping as well. She's hugging a pillow, her cheek is pressed against the pillow and her hair is so messy which made her cuter.

Jake's eyes went back to Engene when he moved a little and mumbled some incoherent words that Jake can't really understand.

"Jake..." Engene mumbled.

"Hmm, bub?" Jake softly asked. He chuckled lightly when Engene didn't answered and continued sleeping.

Jake smiled and leaned closer, his face inches away from Engene's face. He observe Engene's beautiful face. He looks so peaceful and calm while sleeping, making him more pretty and handsome than he is.

Suddenly, Engene moved again. Since Jake is way too close to his face, their noses touched. But what happened next shocked Jake the most. His lips slightly touched Engene's.

What. The. Fuck.

Jake literally froze. He's just staring at Engene's face. What just happened?

Jake went back to reality after thirty seconds. The next thing he did is just way too shocking.

He kissed Engene's lips.

Jake immediately pulled away after realizing what he did. He sat up and pulled his hair.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. What the fuck was that?" He mumbled to himself.

"Shit, no, I did not just kissed Engene. Fuck it, I'm so sorry Sunghoon" Jake repeated over and over again. He took a deep breath and tried to forget what he just did.

"Jake?" A voice called. Jake lifted his head up and saw Ningning sitting up as well.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. Anyways, let's get ready"

"How about Engene?"

"I'll wake him up, you can get ready now"

"Kk" Ningning responded and stood up lazily. When she went out, Jake looked at Engene again.

"Engene, bub, wake up" Jake called, tapping his shoulders softly. Engene just groaned and turned his back on Jake.

"Come on, bub"

"Five more minutes.."

"No, we'll run out of time. Just sleep again later at the plane"


"Come oooon, let's get ready and eat breakfast"

"I'll skip breakfast, lemme sleep"

"Nope, I won't let you skip. I'd rather drag you downstairs than to let you skip breakfast" Jake said. Engene just whined and continued to sleep.

Jake sighed as he held Engene's hand and pulled him, making him groan and sit. Then, he pulled Engene outside. Engene whined more and tried to escape from Jake but he's holding him too tight. He's whining until they reached the kitchen.

"What's wrong with Engene?" Ningning asked, laughing a little because of the sight.

"He still wants to sleep" Jake responded. He dragged Engene again and made him sit on the high chair and sat beside him. Ningning is sitting infront of them.

Bestfriends But Not Forever • EnJake • #5Where stories live. Discover now