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[A/N: this is the day when Jake and Sunghoon broke up. I won't include that scene again but I'll include something that's connected to that scene.]

"Jake, are you really sure about this?" Engene asked. They're outside the building of Sunghoon's condo.

"I am"

"Jaeyun, bub.."

"I'll be fine, bub. I know it'll hurt but this is the right thing to do"

"How are we going to send proofs to Mr. Shim?" Ningning interrupted.

"I don't know. Let's just go with the flow. If he won't believe that Sunghoon and I broke up, then don't. I don't care. Anyways, I have to go now, it's getting late" Jake said. He gave them a final glance and went out of the car.

Engene was about to go out of the car as well and follow Jake but Ningning is too quick to act. She immediately grabbed Engene's arm and pulled him back.

"You're not going to do whatever you're thinking right now" Ningning said.

"But, Ningning, he'll get hurt"

"I know, even Sunghoon will get hurt. But, Engene, this is the right thing to do"

"What do you mean right thing to do, huh? Them breaking up with each other?"

"Good God, Engene, you're stressing me out! Okay, let's clear things out. I know what's going on between you and Jake because he told me about it, we all know that it's wrong and one wrong move, it'll turn out that Jake is cheating on Sunghoon with you. If he won't break up with Sunghoon, then he'll hurt Sunghoon and of course, you'll get hurt too" Ningning explained.

"But I don't care if I get hurt, Ningning. The only thing I care about is Jake, Jake and his feelings"

"God, Engene! You're so selfless! Can't you be selfish for a while?"

"I want to be selfish, Ningning. I want Jake to be mine and mine only. But I know how much he loves Sunghoon" Engene sighed. Ningning quickly shut her mouth, afraid that she will spill Jake's secret.

"Whatever. Just let Jake handle this"


"No buts"






After two hours of waiting, they saw Jake coming out of the building with tears on his face.

He ran towards the car and entered the backseat. Engene immediately hugged Jake tightly. Jake buried his face on Engene's neck and gripped the hem of Engene's shirt tightly.

"You did well, bub" Engene whispered and kissed the top of Jake's head. Jake cried even more. Ningning is just watching the two of them while she's sitting at the shotgun seat. She moved closer and caressed Jake's back.

"You did the right thing, Jake" Ningning said.

"B-but I hurt him.. it hurts so much, I just left because I can't bear to see him hurting that much.. if I didn't leave, one more word from him and I wouldn't be able to go anymore" Jake said, getting chocked between his sobs and words.

"Shh, bub" Engene hushed him. Ningning's hand left Jake's back to get a bottle of water placed on the compartment. She opened it and handed it to Jake.

"Here, drink water" She said. Jake shook his head. Engene took the bottle from Ningning's hand

"Bub, come on. Just drink a little bit, please" Engene pleaded. Jake nodded and finally drank the water. He then handed it to Ningning after.

Jake went close to Engene again, resting his forehead on his shoulder.

"Ningning, can you drive?" Engene asked.


"Then you'll drive, let's go back to the hotel"

"Wait" Jake said. Ningning started the engine and looked at Jake through the mirror.

"Why?" Both Ningning and Engene asked.

"Do we have alcohols in the hotel?"

"At the room, we don't. But we can buy one"

"Okay, let's go now"


They arrived at the hotel around 7:00 pm. Jake and Engene went to the convenience store near the hotel while Ningning went to their room.

Jake and Engene went to the room after buying alcohol drinks and some foods they can eat.

Ningning and Engene knew that Jake wanted to get wasted so here they are, preparing the drinks and food. They're at the balcony and good thing the space is really wide.

They all did what they needed to do like taking a shower so just incase they all get drunk later, they can go straight to bed.

They started drinking around 9:00 pm. Ningning and Engene are just chilling while drinking but Jake is not. He's drinking a lot and the two are just letting him.

Engene is worried. He wanted his stop Jake but Ningning eyed him and gave him a look, gesturing him to let Jake do whatever he wants. Since it's just for tonight, Engene agreed.

After hours of drinking and talking, Ningning got sleepy.

"Engene, I'm going to sleep first. My eyes can't take it anymore" Ningning said. Engene chuckled a little because her eyes are closing already.

"Okay, good night"

"Night night" Ningning whispered and went inside. She brushed her teeth and washed her face first then went straight to bed, immediately falling asleep.

"Bub" Engene called. Jake just hummed and glanced at him.

"It's a stupid question but are you okay?"

"To be honest, no. But I know I'll be okay. You're here with me so I'll be okay" Jake managed to answer though he's a bit drunk already.

Engene can sense that he's getting drunk and not sober anymore.

"Let's go inside now? Let's take a rest" Engene said.

"Okay" Jake said. He stood up and went inside, leaving Engene alone at the balcony. He sat at the bed and patiently waited for Engene.

Meanwhile, Engene is left alone. He gathered all the trash and bottles in one big plastic and went inside. He went to the kitchen and threw it on the garbage can.

When he went back to the bedroom, he saw Jake sitting on the bed and staring at him intently.

Why does this scene looks familiar?

Oh shit.

"Engene" Jake called. Engene felt scared for no reason. He may look calm but he's panicking inside.

"Why?" He asked, slowly walking towards Jake.

Jake held Engene's hand and unlike on his dream, Jake gently pulled him closer and made him sit on his laps. Engene calmed down a bit and rested his hands on Jake's shoulders.

"You look beautiful" Jake suddenly said. Engene blushed because of his words.

Jake's hands travelled from Engene's waist up to his nape, slowly pulling him closer.

Without any warning, Jake connected their lips together. Engene shut his eyes and kissed back without hesitation. He wrapped his arms around Jake's neck and pulled him closer, pressing their bodies against each other.

Engene knew that Jake wouldn't remember this tomorrow because he's too drunk to remember it so he cherished the moment. He gladly took Jake's kisses and touch on his body.

Little did he know, Jake is not completely drunk and still sober. He did this on purpose.


Bestfriends But Not Forever • EnJake • #5Where stories live. Discover now