27: Busan Beaches pt. 2

Depuis le début

The leader of the camera crew shook his head. "No, it's over."

Yeonjun took off, escaping towards an empty lifeguard tower.

Daniel chased after him. "Call me 'cutie-pie' one more time, I dare you!"

Sunoo laughed, clapping his hands together. "I don't think Yeonjun hyung's coming home tonight."

"Or ever," Kai snorted, watching Daniel play a game of 'which way is Yeonjun going to run around the lifeguard tower?'

Jungwon gently bumped Heeseung's shoulder. "Hyung, you have to be more careful on camera."

"I know. That was my bad; I'm sorry."

"You excited for your date tonight?"

"Terrified, actually."

Jungwon giggled. "Well, good luck anyway."


"Okay. Let's go over the plan one more time." Jihun erased his whiteboard, flipping it to face the thirteen boys sitting crisscrossed in front of him on the kitchen floor of the beach house.

"I-" He drew a stick figure. "-will pick up Mei from the hotel and bring her here at exactly six o'clock."

"You guys-" He added twelve dots. "-are waiting in plain sight, keeping her distracted."

"While Yeonjun-" He scribbled a smiley face. "-is hiding under the deck with Beomgyu's 'not stolen' handcuffs, ready to lock her up."

Beomgyu pressed his hands together in the shape of a gun. "And when the time's right... Bam!"

"No," Heeseung sighed, lowering the boy's arms. "Taehyun, control your... thing."

Jungwon raised his hand. "I'm confused. We're going to handcuff her, and then what?"

"There are only three steps you need to remember," Beomgyu grinned, setting aside his bag of goldfish. "Accusation. Interrogation. Strangulation."

Heeseung's mouth fell open. "Taehy-"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm on it." Taehyun blindly stuffed a cheese stick into Beomgyu's mouth while thumbing through a pink notebook. "Nice notes, Sunoo."


Jihun cleared his throat. "Right, so after we get her in the handcuffs, you guys can do all your questioning and whatnot, and then we turn her in to the police with your evidence."

"How are you getting Mei to come here?" Jake queried.

"I asked if she wanted to catch up over dinner," Jihun snorted. "Even though we only talked, like, twice at that party. Eleven years ago."

Sunoo frowned. "You asked her on a date?"

"What? No. Wait, do you think she thinks it's a-"

"Ah, forget it. You're hopeless."

"Hey, um, speaking of food." Daniel licked his lips. "Can we have a celebratory dinner afterward? I'm craving burgers."

"Sure," Jihun laughed. "I can-"

"Cocktails." Beomgyu stood up. "If we're having a celebratory dinner, we need celebratory cocktails."

"Yeah, yeah, do whatever you want." Heeseung waved him off. "Kai, you have the tracker, right?"

"Yep. I still can't believe we made it through airport security with that and Beomgyu hyung's handcuffs."

"Hey," Jake laughed. "Kun sunbaenim said the tracker was 'high tech.' Don't ever doubt his abilities again."

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