"You have a choice to make," he whispered hoarsely.

Heeseung pulled away, speechless.

Sunghoon repositioned himself to face him. "Either find a way to balance your time, or tell me now that you can't so I don't waste energy on a pointless relationship."

Heeseung opened his mouth.

"Wait," Sunghoon interrupted, his eyes softly flitting up and down Heeseung's body. "Please don't make a promise you can't keep."

Heeseung didn't hesitate.

"I'd do anything for you. Course I'll make time."

Sunghoon exhaled slowly, relieved.

"Thank god," he muttered. "I was about to lose it."

Heeseung laughed, wiping both of their tears away. "I love you."

Sunghoon rested his forehead on Heeseung's shoulder.

"I love you too," he mumbled. "Sorry for being dramatic."

"You weren't dramatic."

Heeseung raised Sunghoon's chin, admiring the boy's flushed face. He gently smiled, playfully bumping their noses together. Sunghoon's eyes turned into crescents as he tilted his head away teasingly. He leaned back in for a kiss.

Their lips never touched.

They stared at each other silently as Heeseung's phone buzzed over and over again.

His heart sank as he checked the caller ID.

"It's Jungwon," he breathed.

"Are you gonna pick up?"

"I..." Heeseung hesitated.

Sunghoon's face darkened.

"I can't do this anymore," he said softly.

"Sunghoon, wait,"

"I'm done waiting, Heeseung." He stood up to leave. "I told you not to make a promise you couldn't keep."

Heeseung scrambled up. "I- I can still-"


He started walking to their dorm.

"Please," Heeseung whispered after him.

Sunghoon didn't look back.


The buzzing of his phone kept Heeseung grounded.

He forced a smile, wiping his tear-stained face half-heartedly.

"Hey, Wonnie," he greeted, picking up the call. "What's up?"

Jungwon's voice sounded strained. "We can't find Ni-ki and Daniel's science project, and we're going to be late."

Steady breaths, Heeseung reminded himself.

"What's it look like?"

"It's a poster about gravity or something; I dunno."

"Did you check between the furniture and the walls? Sometimes flat things get stuck like that."

A series of noises came from the other end of the call as Jungwon rummaged through the dorm.

"Oh! Found it, thanks!"

"No problem." Heeseung's voice faltered.

He froze as the phone went silent.

"Are you okay?" Jungwon asked quietly.

The need to laugh, cry, and scream hit Heeseung all at once. He doubled over, fighting to keep his grip on his emotions.

"Yeah. I inhaled a bug, sorry."

"You sure?"

"Mhm. Promise. Now go focus on school, Jungwon."

Heeseung hung up, resisting the urge to hurl his phone into the water.

He slumped to the ground, trembling.

It wasn't fair.

He didn't ask to be the leader. He never wanted to be the leader.

Why was so much expected of him?

He buried his head in his arms, trying to block out the world as sobs racked his body.

"I hate you."

He squeezed his eyes shut, digging his nails into his biceps.

"I hate you!"

The bitter taste of resentment filled his mouth. He knew his words weren't directed to Sunghoon as much as they were to himself.

A dry laugh left his throat as he leaned back against the tree.

Never in his life had he felt more alone.

It's Hee's Lift Now | An ENHA + TXT FicWhere stories live. Discover now