Chpt 7 Amusement Park

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          "HEY Y/N," A VOICE SAID. You turned around, and low and behold, there stood Mina and your other female classmates. 
"Nejire told us you liked TAMAKI!! IS IT TRU-"
"A-Ahhh uhmm.. maybe not mention that part.." Nejire said, interrupting Mina.
"Y-YOU TOLD THEM?!?!?!" You screamed.
"I- It was because-"
"Don't worry about it Y/N!! We all have our crushes here and there. Besides, if he doesn't like you back, there's always more fish in the water you can catch," said Mina, winking with a smirk.
"But out of all those other billions of people I picked Tamaki, AND HE PROBABLY- doesn't like me back!" you protested, your words sounding sadder at the end.
"Mina! Look what you did. It's fine Y/N, the point of today is to put your worries aside. Let's have fun!" a bright and cheery Momo explained.
"Mkay, sure!" you said. You guys first rode the simple rides, such as bumper cars, merry-go-rounds, etc. Those later turned into going into extreme rides. After about an hour of walking around and going on rides, you guys stopped to take a break. It was now about 5:00 pm. 
"Oh guys look~!!!" Uraraka exclaimed. "There's a kimono and yukata shop right there!"
(A yukata is similar to a kimono if you're wondering.)
"Ooo cool! Let's go get some!" some of you said in unison. You ended up picking a light blue kimono with a floral design on it, wrapped with a red bow. 

(Pretend that the fireworks aren't there)"Y/NN!! You look so pretty!!" Hagakure said

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(Pretend that the fireworks aren't there)
"Y/NN!! You look so pretty!!" Hagakure said. You guys all showered each other with compliments, then proceeded to walk away from the amusement park. Jirou mentioned a small street-food place nearby, so you guys went there to eat. Sadly, most of the girls had to leave, so it was only you and Nejire.

"So Y/N, uhm.. when are you gonna tell Tamaki?" she asked.
"Oh uh-" you started. "I guess never? I mean it's not like he likes me back anyways, so it'll spare me the embarrassment if I didn't tell him," you let out a breathy chuckle. 
"Oh.. shoot! I'm sorry Y/N, I have to go, I forgot I needed to mail my relatives something!" Nejire said while running. "SORRY!! UH- UH GOOD LUCK OR SOMETHING!!" 
You laughed a bit, and finished eating your food. You found your way walking to a park, and sat on a bench nearby. You watched the moon glistening, and a wave of sadness hit your heart.
You wanted Tamaki to be happy, seeing as he's always shy, so you traded your love for him in exchange for his happiness. 

While you were still deep in your thoughts, you didn't notice someone walking towards you and sitting beside you. (Btw you're also still looking at the moon.)
"H-Hey Y/N," the softest voice ever says. You thought you heard something and turned over your gaze next to you. There was Tamaki. Your childhood best friend, who's now more than a friend to you, sitting right beside you. 
"O-Oh hey!! What brings you here?" you said, struggling to get out your words.
"I- uhm, saw you sitting here and wanted to- say h-hi.. I- I can leave now if you're uhm, not comfortable with it." he said.
"NO!!" you shouted a little too loud, which caused him to flinch. "I- I mean no, sorry, you don't have to leave..." you said, waving your hands frantically.
"A-Are you sure?"
"Yeah, you can stay. Sooo.. I'm sorry I left you hanging, back at the garden, I needed to uhm, do something urgent. A-Anyways, what do you.. wanna talk about?" you asked.
"Oh, uhm.. well I was hoping you would help me with s-something,"
"A-Ahm.. do you know what.. girls like? Like bas-basically what you like or what g-girls are uhm, into.. these days," he said. His words shot you like a bullet. You tried extremely hard not to cry, and you held the pain in. To avoid him seeing you in this state you forwarded your gaze back to the moon.
"Hm.. Well, I guess girls like flowers, I mean I like flowers so I'm guessing other girls do too. OH! Girls really like when you give them gifts or flowers even if there's no occasion! We also really don't like it when you mention or joke around of our insecurities. Some girls like compliments, others don't. They also.." you trailed off. Once you finished, you wondered if it was too overwhelming.
"O-Oh sorry.. I may have gone a bit overboard. Was it too overwhelming?" you asked.
Tamaki had a weird, kind of confused look on his face. "N-No, it's fine! Wh-What about you? What do you like.. I think it'll be easier because- the girl I like is somewhat s-similar to y-you," he said. Once again his words shot through you, with twice the pain inside. It was starting to show on your outward appearance and the way you talked. You kind of mumbled a bit before Tamaki asked if you were okay.

"Y/N, a-are you okay? You seem uh.. down a bit," he asked.
"E-Eh? No I'm fine!" you said. Liar. 
"O-Oh, so I like.." you said, wondering for things you like. I like you, you wanted to say. But you couldn't. Tamaki was in love with another girl, and you reminded yourself to make him happy whether it costed your happiness. 
"I like coffee, so if someone brings me a certain coffee that I like without me telling them, I appreciate the person more. I also like compliments, clothes, shoes, friendship necklaces, you get the idea." 
"Oh, t-thanks Y/N..!" he said, looking at his wrist. "I- I think we need to go.. it's already 7:30.."
"OH SHOOT YOU'RE RIGHT- W-Well uhm, bye! Cya on Monday! U-Unless we meet during the weekends.." You said.
"B-Bye Y/N, have a- uhm, good night.."
"Bye- Wait. Don't we live like next to each other?" you said.
"A-Ahm.. Yeah pretty much!" he said, chuckling. You also started giggling. You both headed the same way, the walk being mostly quiet. You guys enjoyed the peace however, both of you in your own thoughts. 

-Tamaki's POV-

     At least now I know what she likes... I'm surprised I didn't catch up on some of the things she likes, having known her all my life.. he thought to himself. I wonder when I can tell her how I feel.. I just hope she doesn't fall for anyone before I'm too late..

A/N: I'm gonna end it there lol. I hope you guys enjoyed! This fanfic is kinda getting hard to sum up with a good ending so I'll probably make it end soon. Maybe a few chapters more, or maybe it'll end the next chapter ;-; I will be making another story, it'll be some kind of story with two endings, but that's all the details I'm giving lol. As always, criticism, comments, and corrections are always appreciated! Byee!! <33

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