Luca and Marco both nodded, knowing that the man that Lorenzo wants to see owes him money, at least half a million dollars. Which was not a lot to Lorenzo, seeing as he had a hundred times more than that small amount.

Luca quickly began driving, heading down the long driveway that hid his mansion. It was a good way to stay secure from anything. Lorenzo had men in any and every place just incase of an attack. He wasn't too friendly with the American mafia at the moment, and there's no telling if anyone could attack.

He was like that whenever he traveled, of course he knew how to fight. His father made sure of it, and was excellent with a gun, which he had two on him at all times, but he didn't want anything happening.

"Do you think he will have the money?" Marco asked once they were on the highway.

"If he knows best, he better have it, I've given him three months past his due date, it's time he pays up." Lorenzo. Responded. It was true, Donovan Greene had asked for an extended time to pay it back, which surprisingly Lorenzo gave, however, The man never even once made an effort to even pay a single cent.

Lorenzo couldn't help the smirk that formed on his lips, "We'll have a little fun before we return home."

The two men nodded, as the rest of the drive was silent, Lorenzo sat in the back answering different emails and entailed meetings with potential suppliers and clients.

Luca pulled over three houses before the home they were supposed to go to, for safety measures. As the three exited the car, Lorenzo spoke. "Let's get this shit over with."

He pushed past the two and walked ahead, making sure to move his jacket over a little for easy access to his gun.

The house itself looked like it needed to be condemned, The windows were barely covered by crappy hardwood and cardboard, the roof looked like it had never been unkempt, nor fixed. The paint on the house, originally being blue, had slowly but surely peeled off, exposing holes and other cracks in between the wood.

It disgusted Lorenzo, who would ever want to live in a place like this.

As he approached the door he heard the grunting on the other side, He quickly opened the door, not bothering to knock. He was surprised that it wasn't even locked and stepped in only to be stopped in his tracks the minute he set his eyes on the scene before him.

Luca and Marco followed behind him, their hands on the handles of their guns ready to pull them out if needed.

The two men stopped behind Lorenzo, Their eyes set on the same sight of the man in charge.

There stood Donovan Greene, landing kick after kick to a small bruised child. The child looked three times smaller then said man, not being able to defend herself in any way. 

Lorenzo was furious, He immediately turned around reaching between Luca and Marco, grabbing the side of the door and slamming it shut, causing Luca and Marco to jump slightly and gaining the attention of the man before him,

Donovan slowly turned around ready to give hell to whoever just entered his house. But with the realization of who it was, his mad glare turned into a frightened look, his eyes widening in fear.

However, Lorenzo wasn't looking at him. No. He was looking at the small fragile child, whom he noticed was a little girl who was staring back at him with her green eyes, which held pain, fear and confusion.

Something inside Lorenzo stirred as he looked at her, seeing how she had tears running down her cheeks, and was laying in the shards of the broken bowl, as well as how she had an arm draped around her stomach in head, not only in pain, but to protect herself from the blows, he couldn't help but get even more angrier.

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