[ 하나 ] - [ BEGINNING ]

295 9 18

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"Here's your number tag! Make sure to wear it throughout the exam and careful to not lose it, goodluck!" A green shaped bean head handed you a tag numbered '100', you bowed to the person and looking at your serounding, despite wearing a mask.

After looking around for quite some time, a person jump down from a pipe and walks towards you. "I see that you are a rookie! My name is Tonpa, nice to meet you!" Tonpa extend his right arm for a handshake, you refuse and just bowed.

"Not much of a talker huh? It's fine! To toast our new friendship," he took a second to grab two pair of soda. You hasitaly grab the can, "what are you waiting for my pals! Drink it!" You shakes your head.

"I see, you are not a fan of soda? Here's take this water!" You lift up your palm to stop Tonpa, "I don't need more, thank." Bowed and leave Tonpa behind. He was dumbfounded because of your sudden talk.

As you walk into the crowd, you observer everyone, to see if they use nen. Which to your disappoinment, not everyone except you and one person. You hummed quietly at the information and went to a further place, avoiding the crowd.

And now you just waiting for the register applications to be closed, in the meantime you just read your book of choices.

After sometimes, almost in the end of the book and snacking the food that you brought, a loud scream echoing through the room, you look at the direction of the voice, seeing the man's arm turned into flower petals that soon to disappear, "my my~ how peculiar, his arms seems to have become a flower petals." The magician said innocently.

"No smoke and mirrors here." He continued, "Do take care when you bump into someone, you really should apologize." The atmosphere become more dense, you swear that you could cut the air with your katana.

At a moment, his eyes were lingering on you, you just bowed and back reading and get distrub once more by an alarm, you just sigh and retreat the book inside your bag.The door was open, revealing the examiner, "I apologize for the wait, the entry periods of hunter applicants has ended."

"The hunter exam will now begin!"

"A final caution, if you are short on luck or ability, you could very well end up seriously injured or even dead."

"Those who accept the risks, please follow me, otherwise, please exit via the elevator behind you."

Everyone stayed in place, not moving an inch, not caring about what's up ahead. "Very well, all 404 applications will participate in phase one." The examiner turn around, begin to walk, everyone keeping up with the slow pace, that doesn't last long until he slowly picking up speed.

"I neglected to introduce myself, I am Satotz, the phase one examiner. I shall lead you to the exam's second phase." "Second phase?" A bald participate begin to questioning, "what about Phase one?" "It has already commenced." Satotz answer #294, everyone begin whispering to one of another.

"You must follow me to Phase two." Satotz look back without slowing the speed down. "This is the exam first phase." He continued, "follow you, that's it?" #294 asked again, "yes, I cannot tell you where, or when you must arrive, you just need to follow me."

'That's a biggest hint, person with knowledge will understand that this exam involved mental and physical, we don't know how long will this last.' you put your thumb on your chin, 'many applications will drop off due to lack of experience on both physical and mental.' you continue, deepening your thoughts on the exam so far.

[ Two hours time skip ]

'its been two hours, we have run for thirty kilometers at least...' you starts to feel bored and decided to read while running. You start over from the beginning of the book, never get tired after reading many times. You heard yelling behind you, "Oi kid! Shows some respect to the hunter exam!" A mid-aged men yelling at a kid, "what do you mean?" The white hair kid didn't understand what the men said.

"Why are you using a skateboard?!" The men point at the kid skateboard, "that's cheating!!" He continued, "why?" The kid look at the men face again, "this is an endurance test!" "No, it isn't." A spiky black hair kid start to defending the white haired.

"Gon, what are you sayiy?!" The men yelled at 'Gon', "the examiner only told us to follow him." Gon continued, "whose side are you on?!" The white haired slow down his skateboard and approaching Gon, he begin to ask Gon's age, "Hey, how old are you?" "I'm twelve years old." Gon answered.

White hair hummed, and doing a little skateboard trick to get off, impressing Gon, "guess I'll run too." "Wow! That's so cool!" Gon picking up speed, matching white haired, "I'm killua." He introduced himself "And I'm Gon!", You listen to their interaction, you can't help but smiled under your mask.

You shake your head to mask your emotion's and continue reading.

[ Four hours time skip ]

You flinched at another scream, you just sigh, doesn't bother to look at what happens. You sigh seems catching attention of a certain blonde, he just look at you and look at the front again.

You put your book back in again and starts to put attention on your serounding and hearing a scream getting louder from behind. It was that men, who was yelling at a kid before.

And now you are facing a long stairs, your worse nightmare will be looking down from where you are running right now. You shiver at the thought about seeing bottom of the stairs, and it manage to catch the blonde attention again, "are you alright?" You look at him through your mask.

"Yes, I'm alright. just some thoughts that made me a bit scared." He hummed, "I'm Kurapika, may I know your name?" "I'm Y/n." Kurapika nodded, "nice to meet you Y/n." "Same goes to you." Both of you starts paying attention infront, avoiding fallen applications.

Satotz pick up pace again, "at this point, many applications going to fail.." you just sigh, "that just how it is, Kurapika." He look at you, "mental, physical, in any shape and form, a Hunter must not falls behind." You look down, "even if they fall, Hunter will find a way to stand back up, this just explain the unexperience rookies to fail and try again next year, knowing the hunter exam is harsher that they thought, and begin to prepare more for next year." Kurapika was stunned by your statement, "there's will always a chance." You finish and then look at Kurapika.

"You are right.. there's always a chance.." you nodded.

"Leorio! Are you okay!" Kurapika said to a shirtless men named Leorio, the one that yelling at a kid. "Sure! Just look at me! I realized that I can keep going if I don't worry about how stupid I look!" You let out a breathy laugh, "then, I'll see you on the top, Kurapika, Leorio." And picking up speed, leaving the two behind.

[ Y/n Diary's! ]


Father wants me to visit the k?¿∆# clan, the place was far from ours, but as the Priestess of both clans, I must not decline! I may be young but I'm super smart!

Maintaining both clans relationship is my number one duty, and thus, I have to switch location between (L/n) clan and the k$#√& clan every two months! It's exhausting...

The k#&;! Clan is in the middle of nowhere, unlike ours, many people visited our place to see our culture! Mainly the dishes, because it was amazing!! Oh oh! There's also a Hunters that come to our place as well! It's an honor to get to know her! Though... I forgot her name. Tee hee!

-y/n l/n or y/n k$&#?

[ 계속 ] - [ To be continued ]

Published: [12.29.2021]
Edited: -

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