X. Memory Strings

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TEN. Memory Strings


DEREK WAS RIGHT when he said Faith wouldn't like where the two Hale's took her. The drunk teenage girl quickly became sober as she stood frightened in the middle of the boys locker room. Peter had sharp objects at Faith's throat. She couldn't tell what they were, but she knew they could kill her.

Scott stands in the locker room, shaking his deodorant when the lights go out. "Danny?" He calls out. He walks towards the lights, attempting to switch them on. He frowns, looking around when a ball rolls through the room. Scott frowns, walking towards the showers. There, stands Derek. Scott scoffs, "Thank God! Where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what's been going on?"

"Scott," The McCall turns around, shocked to see Peter Hale, holding Faith Auclair hostage. His claws were around her throat, if he moved, she could die.

Peter holds a Lacrosse stick in his free hand, humming to himself. "I really don't get Lacrosse." He says shortly.

Scott's face falls. "It was you," He looks at Faith, attempting to step closer.

"Ah," Peter tisks, pulling the Auclair a bit back. She whimpered, fear striking through her. "When I was in high school, we played basketball. There's a real sport." Scott looks at Derek with a crazy look. "Still, I read somewhere that Lacrosse comes from native Americans tribes and that they played it to resolve conflict. Do I have that right?" Faith looks at Scott in worry. Who was this guy? And how did Scott know him? "I have a little conflict of my own to resolve, Scott. But I need your help to do it."

"I'm not helping you kill people." Scott sneered, glaring him down.

Peter shrugs, "Well, I don't want to kill all of them." He explains. "Just the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include," Peter pauses, not sure what the name was. He looks over at Derek, raising a brow.

"Allison. Or Faith."

Scott looks at Derek, "You're on his side?" Derek says nothing. "Are you forgetting the part where he killed your sister?"

Derek tilts his head. "It was a mistake. It happens."

"What the hell is going on-"

Faith clamps her mouth shut as Peter tightens his grip around her throat. "Scott, I think you're getting the wrong impression of us." Peter explains, stepping closer. "We really just want to help you reach your full potential."

"By killing my friends."

Peter chuckles, "Sometimes the people closest to you, can be the ones holding you back the most."

Scott tilted his head, "If they're holding me back from becoming a psychotic nut job like you, I'm okay with that." He retorted angrily.

Peter looks at Scott, stepping closer,. Faith stumbled, whimpering as she looked over at Scott."Maybe you could try and see things from my perspective."Peter says cooly. Faith screams out as Peter throws her into Derek, digging his claws into the back of Scotts neck.

Faith lets out a fearful, petrified scream as Derek holds her back. She tries to tug away, but it's no use. She was no match for them. Peter took his claws out of Scott's neck, walking away. Faith pushed off of Derek, rushing to Scott. "Scotty? Scott!"

"He'll be fine," Faith snapped her head up, seeing Peter towering over them. She breathed heavily as she stumbled backwards. "For now." Faith turned on her heel, running. Derek moved to stop her, but Peter made him stop. Peter always enjoyed the chase.

The Auclair ran into the Coach's office, screaming when Peter kicked open the door. She grabbed a lacrosse stick, spinning around and shoving it into Peter's shoulder. It didn't have a cap on the end, and with the amount of force Faith used the stick stabbed through. Peter yelled out in pain, grabbing it and slowly pulling it out. Faith backed into the wall, screaming as Peter grabbed her by her throat.

"I cant wait to get a taste of you, Faith Auclair," Peter smirked as his claws struck through Faith's skin. She gasped out in pain, her hands gripping the sleeve of his jacket. The memories after dancing and making out with Lydia at a bar seemed to have erased themselves from her mind, and eventually the girl was stranded on the floor in the middle of Coach Finstock's office.

When Scott got out of his similar stance, he quickly got Faith and dialed Stiles. The boys drove her home, and tucked her into bed. They didn't know what they'd tell her if she asked questions. They would figure that out later.


LUCKILY FOR SCOTT, Faith truly didn't remember anything. She had figured she got too drunk, and somebody drove her home.

Kait now sat with Boyd and her brother. They sat together on Faith's couch, watching as Faith paced back and forth. "This is it. This is the end of the world."

"Faith, it'll be fine," Kait tried to reason, but was cut off.

"I cant decide if I want to wear black or blue!" Faith whined. Nate and Boyd shared weirded out looks. They really didn't understand the two girls's whole debacle relating to clothing. However, they had it a lot. Faith turned to look at the boys for a moment. "What do you two think?"

Boyd looked at Nate in confusion, then back at the Auclair. "Um, I don't think,"

Faith cut him for. "Answer the fucking question, asshole," She said with a frown.

He looked at Kait, who nodded impatiently. Boyd looked over at Faith, thinking. "Um, blue," He shrugged.

"I agree with him," Nate said as he pointed at Boyd, nodding.

Kaitlyn slowly glanced over at Faith. The two girls had their mouths clamped shut, before speaking up. "Black," They said in sync. Boyd and Nate threw their hands up.

"Okay, now that we've gotten that figured out," Faith hummed as she turned towards her mantle. "Next order of business?"

Kait rose her finger, "You've had this hairstyle for a while, it might be time for something new," She suggested. Faith nods, tapping her chin. "Highlights? Color? Something else?"

"I'm not sure," Faith mumbled as she looked at the numerous photos of herself. She tilted her head to the side, glancing at a photo of her and her parents. She swallowed the lump in her throat as the face of her dad seemed to haunt her. Clenching her jaw, Faith slams the photo down, turning to the others. "Cookies?"


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