▾ Take a break, bro !Angst! 《 Ishimondo 》▾

Start from the beginning


Kiyotaka - "I shall remove it from your memory! Forget, forget, forget, BEAMMM!!"

I laughed as he pretended to zap Makoto, I'd never seen him this happy so it really melted my heart. "Nice one bro-nine!" We wrapped our arms around one another and had a good giggle as Makoto looked slightly confused but still also found it funny.

End of flashback—

I hadn't seen him like that in a good while now, so it hurt me even more that he'd sit and push himself through, basically a living hell. Celeste and Byakuya would tease the fuck out of him, deliberately running up and down the hall and breaking every rule in the book. I ended up telling them off, and they just replied with something along the lines of "Tch, tell him to man up."
I really despised that phrase. I would constantly get told it, everyone from Daiya to the Juvie guards would repeat it like broken record players, and that's how I've now wound up like this, an emotional wreck as everyone usually puts it. I felt tears glisten in my eyes as that phrase repeated in my head, but I heard the distinct, shouty tone of my bro's voice. I quickly wiped my eyes, forgetting about my eyeliner and stood at the door.

"You ready br- Oh. Oh no. You've been crying haven't you?" "Me? Oh! Nope, just fucked up my eyeliner." "Language, and you're a liar. I can hear your voice whimpering as you speak." They put their arms out to signal for a hug, so I sat down and hugged them. "Now what's upset you, hm? You can tell me anything, bro." I sighed, not having a clue on what to say as they looked at me for an answer. "I'm worried about, well, a lot of stuff. First off, you, second, the way Celeste and Byakuya have been treating you, and third, some past experiences of mine." Taka made the hug tighter and tighter as he listened to me vent. "Okay, I see. Now that you've told me, what can I do to make you stop worrying about me?" He pulled my comfort blanket over my shoulders as he spoke and rubbed the back of my hand. I sighed, and suggested some actions to him. "Bro, I just want- No, I need you to take more breaks. You can't constantly roam the halls, pointing your finger at people, telling them to stop what they're doing, it's taking over your life. Another thing, I need you to ignore what Celeste and Byakuya are doing to you, they've been pissing me off too lately." Taka nodded their head, taking mental notes of what they needed to do. "I agree to do all that. Now, do you want me to help you get your eyeliner fixed up then we can head out?" I nodded my head as I grabbed my make up wipes and tied my pompadour into a bun.

Time Skip—

Kiyotaka's POV
We got off the motorbike and headed into the shopping centre. The Christmas lights twinkled as we walked around and bought bags and bags of assorted items. I specifically picked up a little surprise for Mondo, a diamond plated motorbike statue. I made sure to get it wrapped for them to open it up on Christmas Day.  I knew they'd love it just from me originally seeing it.

Mondo's POV
My Christmas present for Taka was a matching blanket. We usually shared mines, which was galaxy theme. So I got them a space blanket to specifically match mine. They could also snuggle into it when they are taking a break from hall monitor duty and we could sit and watch movies and match! I was hella hyped for Christmas Day now, knowing that my bro was getting the best present planet earth, in my opinion, had ever seen.

Time Skip to Christmas Day—

Kiyotaka's POV
"BRO! BRO! BRO! IT'S CHRISTMAS! I yelled, shaking Mondo up and down trying my hardest to wake them. I was desperate for them to see my present, so they needed to get up really quick, as the others were probably waiting in the dining hall. "Mmm... one minute." They sighed, trying to sit up. "Oh come on HURRY UP BRO!" I said bouncing up and down. They eventually woke themselves up and we went in our pyjamas into the dining hall. There was two presents, one marked "To Mondo, from Taka" and the other the opposite. "Dang it, everyone's been already." Mondo sighed. "Still, that's not telling US to leave our presents, right?" He smiled as I nodded my head and agreed. I went and got my present, which was cylinder shaped. "What could this be?" I questioned Mondo, to which they just replied with "Open it." So I did. And it was... A LITTLE GALAXY BLANKET JUST LIKE HIS! It felt the same and looked the same, so I instantly took it out the package and wrapped it around myself. "Bro, I love it! You have such good taste." I was ecstatic after opening it, so I decided now would be a good time to give him a hug. He heavily blushed and looked away, but I still caught him!

Mondo's POV
I'm so glad he's happy with it. But now it's my turn, and I gotta admit, I'm a little scared. "What's this thing?" I attempted to shake it but instantly got stopped by Taka. "Bro, don't shake it. It's really fragile." So I put it down, and carefully opened it. I saw the sparkle of a bundle of diamonds, and I got so excited. It reminded me of the old biker gang. I continued to open it and it turned out to be a diamond plated motorbike ornament! I was hella chuffed, and I might have shed a tear. "Bro, come here come here." I opened my arms for a hug as Taka ran up and buried his head onto my shoulder. I sneakily kissed him as he broke the hug after. "Bro.. what was that for? It was nice, but I'm just a little confused about why you did it." They seemed to be in a bit of shock, so I decided to explain. "Eh, well. Ever since we got brought to Hope's Peak, I took a bit of a liking to ya. I was a little jealous in the start, but I learned more about you and I figured out it was more of a, um, crush?" I sighed as I saw Taka walk away a little. "Bro... WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL ME?!" Was he angry? Was he happy? He instantly hugged me again and screamed "BRO I LOVE YOU TOO!" Turns out he was happy which was a relief. We took a good five minutes to ourselves in the dining hall and sat under the tree and hugged each other, and there was a tiny sprig of mistletoe on the tree right above us! "I guess you know what this calls for Bro." I said, winking at Taka as he smiled when he saw it. He then instantly pecked me on the cheek which once again, made me blush like hell but I didn't give two fucks if he noticed this time, I was still getting used to it all. I then kissed him back and we left the dining hall, taking our presents with us. We walked back to the dorms hand in hand and wished each other a merry christmas and went our own ways. My dream, my Christmas dream, it had came true.

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