Namjoon grabbed the bell that was sitting on the sill of his window and shook it three times. A moment later, and a guard entered his room. "Have a maid send us some tea." He said, not even bothering to look at the buff man.

The guard bowed and left the room. "Stay a while." Namjoon said, leaning back in his seat. "Let's have tea and discuss this a little more..."


"You look absolutely stunning!" The woman next to you squealed, her beady eyes roving over your pristine white dress. You fought against rolling your eyes and simply smiled at her.

"Thank you, Elizabeth." You murmured. "Would you please hand me my bracelet? It's in the black box that is resting upon my vanity."

Elizabeth nodded eagerly and rushed over to where you had directed her. Though her back was turned to you, you had no doubt that she was drooling over the various expensive items that were littering the surface of the vanity.

You knew that it had been coming - it was only a matter of time before he had assigned you a horde of kiss-ass Ladies who would take your spot as Queen in an instant if they could. There were six of them, each one more fake than the last.

You'd be more than willing to let one of them have Namjoon, as you certainly didn't want to marry him.

You stifled a sigh as Elizabeth returned to your side and handed you the small black box. "Thank you." You said softly, before opening the lid. The women around you all gasped at the sight of the emerald encrusted bracelet, their eyes shining with want.

"That's beautiful!" Penelope gasped, her eyes following the bracelet like a ravenous dog as you pulled it out of the box. "No other Lady in the kingdom will be able to find themselves a bracelet that beautiful."

You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes again as Yonmin swatted at her fellow Lady. "The Queen always needs at least one thing that the rest of the Ladies in the Kingdom cannot copy." She said.

Ah, yes. The notorious copycat Ladies of Erydia. Jimin had explained it to you yesterday over tea.

In Erydia, a royal wedding usually sets up a new era of trends that rule over everything fashion and beauty related. The fabric that you choose for your wedding dress, along with the style of dress and accessories hanging from it would become the next big thing among well off ladies who could afford it.

Any notable jewelry that you wore would be copied by jewelry makers, and the shoes you picked would be worn by anyone who could afford to have them custom made.

The upcoming Queen had a huge part to play in what her Era of fashion would look like. It was very much an obnoxious and stressful thing to hear, and you were glad that you had only been told about it after your dress had already been made.

You had wanted to pick a flowing dress that reminded you of Esteria. Pearls and lily petals, with pretty green and blue hues on the fabric. But Namjoon had insisted that you wore white and looked modest. After all, you were to be Queen.

In the end, Namjoon was the one who had designed most of your dress. It was long and heavy, and made of a shining fabric that you didn't know the name of. The only skin that showed was your hands and a sliver of your wrist, along with, of course, your head.

You were adorned in thin golden chains with emerald teardrops hanging from them, along with a emerald encrusted necklaced that fit so tightly around your neck that you could have mistaken it for a collar.

There were numerous golden bands on your fingers, and fragile matching ornaments in your hair. You were completely covered in enough materials to no doubt make your home village as wealthy as the royal capitol.

A SEALED FATE: Emeralds and Blood (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now