EP20: spin the bottle

Start from the beginning

he stood up and walked to the kitchen, to look for some snacks. minerva passed him by and accidentally brushed her hip against his but she didn't notice. he "didn't" as well.

when he placed down a bowl of crisps and second one of, full of m&m's, ajax started writing. she poured the wine gracefully and handed him the glass.

with dramatic sigh she plopped down and took a big sip.

metallic voice from google translator spoke up while he ate a fistful of m&m's.

"something important personal popped out, my friend can't meet with me soon and there's this asshole dude who thinks he's better than me. he's in fact not but i needed to remind him today black heart black heart smirk. how about your day? did you feel well?" ajax smiled at the question, just as if he was asking it (literally).

"woah, sounds harsh. i hope you kicked this guy's ass to be honest" minerva grinned and he nodded with enthusiasm, earring a sweet chuckle from her "well my day... had to get some stuff done in furniture store so i came back home all sweaty. yknow, talking to people is tiring as fuck. then it turned out i left my keys there... so here i go again, planning million ways of putting my words together. i got them back, showered, then i... i think i took a nap..."

ajax smiled and took a sip, holding eye contact. so she knows he listens to her.

"...then my friend said she'll visit me soon, did some stressful work stuff" she shrugged "basically i started off stressfully. but it's perfectly fine now"

"furniture company?" mechanic voice spoke up. she nodded, drawing weird shapes on the countertop.

"well i decided i'll finally order a bed. so i went to test the mattresses and stuff, which was also stressful. then i had some questions like... it's fifth floor, i have injured arm. i fucking hope they'll deliver it straight to my room. spoiler alert: they will"

"i'm looking forward to testing the bed with you then wink" before ajax realised it's too bold, it was too late. the mechanic voice said it, causing minerva to choke on her wine.

blush spreaded across her pale cheeks as she tried to wipe off the wine she just spit out.

"sorry–" google translator said but she shook her head with huge grin. ajax was confused.

"it's fine. i just didn't expect that. so we're now on that level of friendship, huh... i can't say i don't like it" minerva chuckled softly and sent him a sly smile but her even more reddening blush blew her cover.

he just smirked and stood up to grab a towel for her.

after that they had a pleasing conversation about soup, cigarettes and tattoos. but then... then the wine bottle was empty.

"okay so!" minerva's eyes suddenly lit up as she put the bottle on the table so she could spin it "let's play spin the bottle... or whatever it's called. yknow? you spin the bottle it goes whoooosh..."

"i know what it's called but there's just the two of us?" ajax used the google translator and giggled at her idea.

no, they weren't drunk. but they certainly had some alcohol in their bloodstreams.

"so what. we're just gonna play questions anyway. unless... nah... i'm kidding. okay, i go first..." minerva said and dramatically spun the bottle.

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