𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏.

Start from the beginning

Man or woman.

No one could satisfy me because he ruined me.

He ruined me with his words, his body, his actions— he ruined me with every fiber in his body and he did it well.

Not even the pool boy could satisfy my needs, and he knew how to use his dick. The only problem was that he didn't know my body like Kyler did, and he didn't have the package that matched Kyler's either.

I had never faked moans more than I had in the course of this summer, and I didn't feel bad about trying to get off because I knew for sure that he was getting his dick wet any chance that he could.

" Hello!" I called out as I entered the house.

It was oddly quiet here. I knew that the girls were home because they had alerted the group chat of their arrival when they got here. Either they were asleep, or they were trying to scare me for being the last one to arrive.

I carried my trunks up the stairs, struggling to grasp my breath because I came back with more than I had when I left. The deep cleaning of last season's clothes would take a while in order for me to make room for my new wardrobe.

I was grateful that I made the smart decision of picking one of the closest rooms to the staircase when we moved in sophomore year. I quickly pulled the trunks towards my room and opened my door. I took a deep inhale of everything that smelt familiar yet so foreign to my nose all at the same time.

As soon as I turned in the lights, every last one of my friends except for Rhegan jumped out of a corner of my room and scared the living shit out of me.

" Welcome home!" They yelled as I jumped, dropping my phone onto the ground in the process as I yelped in surprise.

" Malditos pendejos!" I screamed as they attacked me with hugs. But no matter how hard my heart felt like it was about to pump out of its chest, I wrapped my arms around them as best as I could to return the hug. " I missed you guys!"

-You fucking assholes

" We missed you too, Jojo." Came their reply as we pulled away from each other.

" Where's Rhe?" I asked as I pulled my hair up into a loose bun. Skylar picked my phone up off of the floor and handed it to me as I rolled my trunks into my closet.

" She's been knocked out for a while now," Sade announced as I pulled out a change in clothes. " We can wake her up after you get changed and comfortable," she suggested as I emerged from my closet.

" That sounds good to me," I nod as I head towards my bathroom. " Now excuse me while I go soak off the smell of a 12 hour flight," I closed the double french doors to my bathroom and started up a bath.

I turned on some soft music as I sprinkled some bath salts into the tub and poured in some lavender scented bubble bath. As the water ran, I stripped out of my clothing and approached the mirror.

I hadn't really changed within the last three months. The only difference to me now was the fact that my hair no longer had red streaks and was replaced with ash blonde. I pulled my hair out if it's restraints and let it fall down my back.

My face looked the same, my body felt the same, but my heart still ached. And as much as I hated to admit it, but my heart ached for the very same asshole that fucked me over last year.

But the heart wants what it wants right.

I brushed my fingertips softly over my lips, remembering that night all those months ago when I gave into him for the first time in a while.

Out of Bounds | Book 3 in USC series Where stories live. Discover now