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Yeah still rolling, you keep coming to my mind
Meaningless tears flow and keep holding me behind
I've been travelin' around the world


"Lee Know and Han!", the variety show host called their names, making the whole group roll their eyes and giggle.

Of course, the ship that everyone knew about had to be together for the show, or else how would stays freak out about their moments?

"Together again.", the older said.

"Unfortunately.", he played, hugging him slightly from the side and laughing at the pout.

Jisung knew the last two weeks had been weird, it had also been a lot of time since they had gotten intimate.

Too much time for Jisung's taste.

It wasn't like they were always going at it, but the younger could not recall a lot of weeks they didn't get even if just a quick stress relieving "session" between walls.

The older hadn't said anything about it, but Jisung knew he noticed it too.

And he sure noticed how he was being avoided.

The younger didn't mean to, at all, but even there, as they went through the show, everytime their skin touched, it burned, everytime Minho spoke, the younger's heart jumped.

He had to admit he had spied on the older when they were getting out of the stylists clothes, blushing as he saw the faint marks of hickeys he had on his stomach still, since they only marked each other where no one but the members and stylists could see.

The members either didn't notice or simply teased them about someone from the outside, while the stylists didn't even comment or care.

When they were finally ready to go, he hooked his arm with Felix.

"Hey, I need to talk to you."

The Australian nodded, eyebrows furrowed.

"Everything okay?"

"Maybe, I'm not sure, can we-"


They both froze on their way, the second oldest behind them, jacket in hand, and a pretty pained expression.

"Everything okay, Minho Hyung?"

"I need to talk to him, can I lend him for a while, Lix?"

The blonde nodded.

"Sure, I guess we'll talk later."

Jisung hummed, sighing and turning to the older, taking his hand and rushing both of them away from the cameras already at the doors.

Minho let himself be pushed to the outside, through the back, where barely anyone could see them.

Jisung knew the older was seeing the few cameras that could still catch them, if they noticed who they were when focused on the others in front, so he knew he would be safe there. Minho wouldn't risk being too touchy with him there.

"What did I do?"


"Don't give me that, Han Jisung. We need to talk, or else we'll destroy this.", he moved his hand up to caress the younger's face, watching his eyes dart from one way to another. "Can you please look at me?"

Jisung gulped, closing his eyes.

"You did nothing. I'm sorry, can we go now?"

"You're not getting away from this with an excuse as bad as that one. What is happening in your mind?", Minho poked his nose, getting a small smile in return. He moved the other hand to snake it around Jisung's waist, bringing him closer.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Tell me Why you're avoiding me or I'll kiss you here and now.", he whispered, smirking.

Jisung gulped, letting his eyes slide down to the older's lips.

Oh god.

"Min Hyung, there's cameras there."

"No one is looking at us.", he leaned in to place a kiss on the younger's nose, who gripped his shirt.

"T-the deal says... we can't kiss without being... you know-"

"The deal also is to talk to each other and tell what is bothering us.", Minho glared at him slightly. "And You're not doing that."

Jisung sighed, letting his head fall in the older's shoulder, who hugged him fully.

"I'm sorry.", he whispered, his voice too weak. "Sometimes i get weirded out by our situation and I forget how to be a best friend."

Minho chuckled, kissing his temple quickly, making the younger's stomach burst.

He had lied with all his teeth.

"You're an idiot. You know that if you ever get uncomfortable with this we can just stop, right?"

"I know, but I want to keep going.", he pulled away, watching as Minho's lips turned up.


"Good, Because I've been feeling really stressed lately."

Jisung laughed it off, but that same night, as he felt Minho's weight coming off him, chests rising high as the older leaned in to kiss his forehead and say a quick goodnight, Jisung knew lying was his worse option.

Because his heart beat even stronger that time.

The fear came off easily, like it had been waiting for the chance.

He followed Minho with his pleading eyes as he laid down on his own bed, hoping he would turn back and see him.

Wishing he would come back to him.


Guess what, even if i purposely try
To fill my mind with other thoughts
I can't get rid of it, it gets caught


This book isn't as angsty as you think it will be you can stop crying in the corner I swear <8

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