I gunned the engine. "Right! Kick ass, guys!"

"You too!" Wedge said.

As Lena and I drove closer to the transport on the right, I wove the Hardy to avoid gunfire from the turrets and the grunts. There was a lot of it, and I knew we'd have to find some way to deal with it to have any chance of making it outta here alive. But we had to take out the grunts themselves first or we'd crash and burn.

Biggs cocked the trigger of his rifle. "Let's cook!"

As Wedge turned the Gust slightly to the side, Biggs unloaded with a bright orange jet of fire, using the rifle as a flamethrower. The inferno swept over the grunts, lighting them up just as they got ready to jump. Some fell back inside while others tumbled helplessly onto the road. As Biggs kept up his assault, I gauged the distance between the Hardy and the other transport, waiting for the right moment.

Then I called to Lena. "Now!"

She threw the raspberry right into the midst of the grunts, and just a second or two later, it exploded, tossing them about like rag dolls and tearing into the troop carrier itself. The whole thing suddenly lurched, tilting crazily over to one side before the blast sent it spinning back our way directly in our path. The flaming wreck crashed and bounced as it took out one of the motorcycle troopers before he could get away, then it was flying right at me and Lena, its length blocking nearly the entire width of the tunnel as smoke filled the air.

"Jessie! Look out!" Lena yelled.

Acting on instinct, I yanked the Hardy hard to the left, pulling the bike down until it was almost horizontal, and the burning troop carrier sailed over us with barely a foot to spare. It crashed into the road right behind us and exploded as I straightened the Hardy back up and raced down the tunnel with Lena holding on tight.

We found the guys not far ahead, still in one piece as Biggs torched another motorcycle trooper. The turrets were still firing away, though, and there was still a third bike soldier to deal with. I sped toward him, but he was faster, whipping his gun around and shooting before I could stop him. Wedge gasped and jerked backward, clutching his chest with one hand and barely keeping the Gust under control with the other. As my eyes widened, I felt Lena's grip tighten.

"Wedge!" she shrieked.

"Son of a bitch!" I swore, drawing my blaze talon.

Between me and Biggs, we took that motorcycle trooper down fast and hard, making quick work of him. Biggs fried him with his rifle as I sliced his bike apart, and the guy barely even had time to scream. Then we all looked worriedly at Wedge, nearly forgetting about our situation for a moment. Although he was grimacing in pain, I realized he wasn't bleeding. And then, looking at himself, so did he.

"I'm alright!" Wedge assured us. "The vest caught it!"

We all sighed in relief, and although Lena relaxed, I didn't miss the slight tremor in her voice. "Oh, thank god! I am so glad Madam M and Andrea gave you that before we left!"

Biggs patted Wedge's shoulder. "Me too, buddy!"

"Hurts like hell, though," he winced.

"I'll bet," I breathed. "I'm just glad you're still with us."

He chuckled. "Not leaving!"

"That's what I like to hear!" I grinned. Then I looked at the trucks. "Alright. Time to deal with these bastards!"

"Right with you, Jessie!" Biggs agreed, hefting his rifle.

There were four trucks, two in each lane one behind the other, and as we closed the distance to them, I had an idea. Holstering my talon, I pulled up alongside the truck on the right in the back, the one that was closest to the Hardy. What I had in mind was something I'd never have been able to pull off before the plate fell, but ever since my recovery, I'd begun to feel stronger and tougher, no doubt from the mako I'd gotten through the blood Cloud had given to save me.

Final Fantasy VII: Lifestream - Book 3: PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now