{Chapter two} Captain's perspective

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{Captain barnacles POV}

Me and the crew where out in the arctic for some animal rescuing, and we all split up to make sure we had helped everyone/everything. Suddenly I heard this loud sound I came to check it out, and saw a little fox cub sleeping in the cold snow. I knew it was going to be in danger if it stayed there for a while more...So I picked him/her up and took her back to the GUP S. When we got back to the octopod, I took him/her to the sickbay and left her there for a while. A while later after coming back from a mission I came to go check up on her. She was still sleeping and peso was making medicine. I want over and talked to peso for a while. Until peso said:

"Oh your awake !"

I looked over at her as she sat up. I gave her a welcoming smile.

" Hello there !" I said happily.

My octonaut story! (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora