Tour (frank x reader smut)

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Being on tour was fun and all, and this was the second time I'd gone on tour with mcr, and frank was just as much of an asshole as last time.
It had only been three short days on the tour bus, and frank was already stealing my stuff and being a dick.

"Hey, y/n, you in there?" My band mate kitty asked while softly tapping her finger against the side of my head.

"Huh?" I looked up, realising we were in a McDonald's eating dinner.
"Yeah, sorry. I uh, haven't slept well." I shrugged, grabbing a French fry and dipping it into the cheap sauce that came with it.
As much as I hated frank, I couldn't get him out of my mind. He was constantly stuck to my brain and nothing could shake him off, not all thoughts were positive but they were enough to distract me from reality.

"You've been all distracted since we got here, what's up with you?" My other band mate, Jason, asked.

"It's nothing, just a little stress. I'll get over it in a few shows."
I shook my head and continued to eat my food while my band mates chatted with each other until I finished.
We got up and Jason discarded of our trash before the three of us headed back to the bus.

"We're back!" Kitty announced happily, making three out of four men to shoot their gazes up to us.

"Hey, ate well?" Gerard asked, smiling softly at kitty as I walked out in front of her to my bunk, hoping Frank wouldn't have taken my comfy pajamas and hidden them again.

Right in the spot I left them, thank god.

I grabbed them and headed to the little room in the the back, changing from my normal clothes into my pajamas.
They weren't actual matching pajamas, just some shorts and an old oversized shirt I'd found somewhere.
My guitar was also in said room, stored safely.
But I noticed something, it looked like writing, in marker.
I looked at it closer and it was a little handwritten note from frank.

'Have a good night, puppy.
Xoxo frnk'


"FRANK?!" I yelled, storming out of the room.
"you fucking ruined my guitar!" I cried out.

"No I didn't, I was being nice." Frank shrugged, not looking up from the book he was reading.
"Besides, a little rubbing alcohol would do the trick."

"You fucking asshole! That's gonna mess up the fucking paint!" I yelled, slapping him across the head softly.

"Hey, hey. What's going on?" Ray asked, the other people had gone to bed already.

"He fucking Drew on my guitar." I huffed.

"Geez," ray sighed. "We'll see what we can do tomorrow okay? It's too dark to see anyways."

I nodded, catching a quirk smirk to me from frank.
"I'm going to bed, if you pull any shit on me again I'm gonna beat you up."

"You couldn't, look how tiny you are."
Frank chuckled, poking me.

"I'm not that tiny, I'm like an inch shorter than you." I mumbled angrily.

"No but your build is much tinier and more fragile, I wouldn't pull any stunts if I were you."
Frank grinned, looking me up and down for a second.
"Now go to bed."
I grunted and rolled my eyes, then headed to my bunk and tucked myself in, then quickly fell asleep.


"Hey, wakey wakey." I heard, a big hand shaking me. I recognized the voice to be gerards'.

"Mhm.. I'm fuckin' tired.." i mumbled, rolling over and avoiding the light that was now shining in through the opened curtain.

"You want breakfast?" He said, his tone sounded as if he was trying to tempt a dog to go for a walk.
"I was gonna get us some coffee."

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