Attention (gerard / mikey way x reader)

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(So, this is gonna be a somewhat shorter fluff chapter. But there isn't really any pairing, just wholesome friendships and some occasional flirting :)

"Mom!" I yelled as I walked into the house I hadn't been in all year.
I'd just come home from college in nyc, back home to Jersey.
Holiday season was around and everything outside was lit in string lights and pine tree branches, so was my house.
A big Christmas three stood behind our couch, lit up and carefully decorated to Match my parent's living room decor.

"Honey!" She yelled back, walking up to me and tightly hugging me. My jacket was cold and I hadn't gotten rid of my cute mittens yet.
"I'm so glad you're back."

My dad chimed in, quickly bolting down the stairs and hugging me with the biggest smile I'd ever seen spread across his wrinkly face.
"I missed you, y/n/n!"

"I missed you too, dad." I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully.

My dad grabbed my bag. "I'll get this upstairs for ya, darlin'. Are you having dinner with us tonight?"

"No, if you don't mind of course."
I looked at my dad, but my mom answered.
I turned my head to her.

"Of course not honey, I bet you're going to see your friends huh?"
She smiled, looking happy like a puppy that had just gotten a treat. She was always happy for me, whatever I did, if it made me happy, she would be twice as happy.

"Yeah, I missed them a lot." I giggled, watching as my dad took my bag of clothes upstairs and my mom took off my coat.

"I bet, huh? I'll give you some money to buy them presents." She smiled.

"Mom, that's okay. They're happy with a bottle of beer at least." I chuckled, letting my mom grab my hand and pull me to the couch that the large Christmas tree hovered over.

"Awe, just get them something, for me?" She giggled, reaching out for her wallet and pulling out a 100$ bill as if it was nothing.

"Alright, I'll head into town in a minute."
I stuffed the bill in my pocket, smiling at my mom and hugging her.

Me, my dad and my mom talked for a while before i decided I should head into town to buy my friends some well needed gifts.
"I'll be back tonight! I'll text you if I'm changing plans, 'k?"

"Don't worry about it honey, you have the keys right?"
My mom said as I pulled on my warm coat and wool scarf.

"I have them, bye mom, bye dad!"
I waved as I walked out the door.
I walked down the snowy streets, sometimes slipping due to my worn down sneakers that weren't really keeping my feet too warm. Luckily I had on some fluffy socks, but man was I gonna have some red toes.
I grabbed my phone and pressed the small buttons with my mitten-tied fingers.
I dialed gerards number, making sure everyone could be there.

"Y/n, hey! Are you back in town yet?" Gerards voice blasted through the small speaker of my flip phone.

"I am! Hey uh, can you get everyone to your house before five? I'm comin' along to your house if you don't mind."

"Of course, sugar. I'll get them over here and buy us some drinks, 'k?"

"Sounds good, see you in a bit, gee."

"Later, y/n." Gerard giggled softly before hanging up the phone.

I smiled and stuffed my phone back in my pocket, making my way downtown and looking around the shops.
I spotted a store with some cute, homemade clothes.
I decided to go inside and get Gerard something, he always loved cute gifts like these.
I looked around and spotted a knitted black beanie that had "cold as fuck" embroidered across the brim in white.
I smiled and grabbed it, walking to the cashier to pay for it.
I grabbed the little paper bag from the woman's hand and walked out, keeping a look out for any new stores that might've opened while I was gone.

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