Chapter 23 | Found

Start from the beginning

"Alright, Pick me up later" Win said shyly. He dropped his head preventing me to see him. He must be red again base on his ears.

"Sure why not, my dear" I said without thinking. My eyes widen when I realized what I said. My dear?


"Wow! It's huge!" Win shouted amaze. He started to run around at the entrance of the amusement park trying to peek on the places inside.

"You sound like it's your first time" I utter while paying. He continued his praises on the park while shaking my shoulder complaining to be faster. I chuckled and went inside.

The park was bright and fun. The screams and laughter echoed the whole. People that ranges from a toddler to adult seems to enjoy here.

"This place is so cool! Wow, It has been awhile since I came here" Win said joyfully, as he accompany it with the huge smile that he can ever made.

My world seems like it slowed down just for me to witness this moment properly. As Win's eyes was filled with sparkle and joy and his lips curve to the most beautiful smile that not even angels can't compete.

I felt my heart beat faster. Still too stunned to speak because of the most precious scene that I have witnessed.

"Bright, Hey!" Win said waving his hand on my face. Unknowingly, I intertwined my fingers into his softly gripping to mine. My lips formed to a smile as I come closer.

"Let's have some fun, Shall we?" I asked bringing the spark of joy that I have longed for.

Couple of hours have passed. We had toured the entire park at this point trying every rides and games that we can do. Having the most fun time of our lives. Until we both got hungry.

As I settled myself on one of the benches waiting for Win to go get our food from a stall nearby. A drop as took my attention. I eyed for the thing that drop in front of me only to see a wallet.

I looked around the surroundings and picked up the wallet. I should return this I stood up and attempted to walk away but was stopped when I only made 5 steps away.

"I believe that is mine" A calm voice said. My eyes slowly widen when I realized the owner of the familiar voice. My body swayed to look at the person when I was right.


I froze at my spot. No, This can't happen not right now. They can meet for now! Panic and anxiety rose up on me. As I shakily handed over his possession. Drake smiled and thanked, he quickly walked away leaving me behind.

The panic still remained on me. It's too soon. Win can't take it. He can't know he can be the general. I mentally slapped myself, Win can't see me like this. I sighed deeply and calmed myself.

"Who was that?" A soft voice said from behind me. I yelped in surprise when I only saw Win. I mentally cursed. I shook my head and took the food from his hand.

"He drop something so I returned it to him" I utter, Win can only nod as both sit and eat finally filling up the hunger.

"Hey Bright! Let's go on the ferris wheel" Win asked in joy as he continued to drag me over the big ferris wheel. I can only chuckle and nodded in agreement.

We both got in on one of the carts. As it continued to go up, The whole city lights can be seen from below making the other gasp in amusement. I felt myself smile, the more that I look at Win the more I feel happy. Well, that is atleast my experience.

"It's a wonderful view isn't?" I asked. Win nodded in agreement still not removing his smile. My heart beat fast at the scene.

"I want to thank you Bright for bringing me here. I can't remember how many years that has passed since I got here" Win chuckle to himself. His eyes looked at view as the starry night and city lights blended so beautifully. Win then gaze at me, The lights illuminated him so perfectly, It's so gorgeous.

My body seems to have a mind on it's own as I went closer. I lifted his face using my fingers as I stare on his sparkling eyes.

"Can I?" I asked Win, despite being dark. A light shade of red formed on his cheeks, He nodded slowly.

Feeling his soft lips against mine feels like I'm in heaven. He grip his fingers on to my shirt as I pulled him closer on his hips, deepening the kiss.

The starry sky soon was decorated with flash of colors but that didn't matter. It's only me and him tonight.

I finally found the person that I have longed for.


Thank you all for everything and have a Happy New Year! ❤️🎆🎇

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