Taking Control of a Kingdom S3 E1

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Happy New Year!!! I hope you all have a great start of the year and that it is better than the last. Xx

If I had thought that my father's state last night was the biggest issue that we would be facing at this very moment, I was about as wrong as a person could be. The next morning, as I awoke, it took a little over an hour before a guard came to inform me that my presence was requested in the great hall. Arthur had requested the meeting with the lords and our father which made me just a little bit nervous. Must've been due to the time he announced his engagement to Sophia Tirman after knowing her for literally a day. Unease settled in my stomach as I entered the hall and I was hoping that the important news wasn't too bad, though seeing Arthur's face, despite his best efforts to hide his nervousness, I could see that it was probably going to be worse than I had originally thought.

"We have had reports that mercenaries are streaming into Cenred's kingdom," Arthur informed us, making me sigh. Of course, we were facing a damn threat of war. And now of all times.

"Do we know why?" father asked from his throne.

When Gaius had gone up to check on him earlier today, the physician had concluded that father seemed to be pretty much back to how he had been before. An arrogant, tyrannical king. Not that Gaius had used those words, but it was the truth, wasn't it?

"There is rumour that Cenred is amassing an army," Arthur answered. "I think we should send a patrol out to assess the situation."

Father didn't reply so I looked over to him to see what had stopped him from answering but what I wasn't expecting to see was that he was staring, wide-eyed, right in front of him. What the hell was he looking at? I looked over to Arthur, who was also looking at him in confusion. Concern etched itself over my brother's face as his eyes connected with mine

"Father?" I said, trying to gain his attention.

Again, father did not respond. Instead, he continued to gaze right ahead making everyone look over to the empty spot that he was staring at. Yet there was still nothing to be seen.

"What is wrong with him?" Morgana subtly whispered to me.

"I don't know," I admitted honestly.

"Should we get him out of here?" Morgana suggested, leaning forward in her seat as though she was ready to jump up right there and then.

"We need to try and do so without causing a scene," I said.

Just then, father got to his feet, still not removing his gaze from ahead of him. I could see that Arthur was debating on what to do so I thought I should lend a hand. But before I could even get up from my seat, things began to escalate even further.

"Leave me alone," father finally said to no one in particular. He raised a shaking hand, pointing at the empty space. "Get out of here."

"Father," I rose from my seat and walked over to him. Cautiously, I rose my hand to place it on his arm. "Perhaps we should—"

"I said get out!" father yelled, moving away from me and towards the space, he had been staring at. "Get out! I'll have you hanged!"

I moved forward and grabbed onto his arm just as Arthur came to my side and helped me pull father away from the crowd, still shouting about having someone hanged. How damn typical of him. So much for not making a scene. Leon then came over and helped us get father out of the hall, Gaius and Merlin following not far behind.

"Get him somewhere that he can't hurt himself or others," I requested to Arthur and Leon, who continued to pull father along as I walked away from their sides.

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