Chapter 40: You are their Archon, Ei

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Yae's P.O.V.,

"Yae, with you beside me, you know how I feel," Ei said. "I do know your feeling. There are 2, but different concepts." I answered stop my walk. "Oh, what are those?" Ei asked while stopping her walk too.

"Almighty Shogun!" I see the maidens approach us-no, approach Ei.

"I'm so sorry with our unpolite behavior for your coming, my majesty. We saw you very early when you have a walk with Guuji Yae." one of the maidens explained. "It's fine, don't worry, guys. Just...relax with me." Ei said smiling at the maidens.

Their faces seem confused about Ei's answer to them. Why not, they thought Ei is Shogun, same form, very same. I can read their mind, they are surprised cause Ei-I mean Shogun never had this nature before to the maidens, her people too.

"Umm...what is it? Is there something wrong with my explanation?" Ei asked worriedly. "N-no, nothing, Almighty Shogun. It's...clear to understand us." the maiden answered nervously. "*Chuckled*, good then. Glad to hear that. Now go back to your activities." Ei chuckled.

The maidens go back to their activities.

"Ok, Yae...what do you mean before that?" Ei asked. "For me, you have 1 good feeling and 1 bad feeling," I said. "Tell me what are those? kinda scared me with the bad one, although just 1," Ei whispered. "*Chuckled*, come on, best tie, it's not about your nature that I want to tell, it's about your feeling." I chuckled.

"It's still scared to hear...ugh," Ei said. "Foolish. Your good feeling it's you feel comfortable and your bad feeling it's you feel lonely. Still lonely, huh?" I told her.

"You really know my feeling, Yae. Yes, that is both true. I...comfortable when I meet you again now but also...why am I still lonely?" Ei's face suddenly changes to be blue (sad).

"*Chuckled*, it's reasonable, my dear. When people meet other people, they will still feel lonely. Do you want to know why? Because from what they socialize." I explained.

"They...socialize?" Ei seems confused. "True. Like you, for example, you just stay in Tenshukaku-I mean Plane of Euthymia, right?" I whispered. "You are just staying there, let Shogun do your physical job. So that's just alone there, without socializing except Shogun." 

" do you know...?" "I know, Ei. Since the news has spread everywhere, I know you must already defeat her, right?" I know what are all these supposed to be can happen.

Ei is confused. More than before. I'm just smiling at her. "Look, Ei, I told you, I know everything inside you. You want to hide everything inside you, your inside I can know."

"So don't be foolish next time-no...this is already the time, Ei. I'm not mean judging you are not telling everything how can these happened supposed to be to your people. As you can know, many people are happy with your news but also many of them are confused why can that news appear."

"Listen up, my dear Archon Ei. I can't...always beside you, I am not your babysitter. I am just the help problems that might be cannot be solved by yourself. You...are their Archon. Archons have companions, but their companion never always beside them."

Ei is just quiet, I can see she's between scared or just nervous or something. She's too foolish to become the Inazuman Archon. I'm not mean killing her heart, but that's a fact. Ei...just lost everything she had in her past. Sadly, she's still thinking about her blue past.

We don't have to think about our past, right?

"Forget about the past, leave them, now think yourself as the Archon." I supported her.

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