Chapter 37: Rarest day in Inazuma

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Kazuha's P.O.V.,

Well, I've heard a lot from people, they told me that, there is no conflict again between Sangonomiya and Shogunate. What magic, right?

It feels like just a while I leave Y/N because that short guy and tall guy warned me, Gorou, and Watatsumi Army to stay away from Shogun, and now it's just so surprising me after what I've heard from my friends, from people, that everything it's all fine.

Yeah, this is what a life I wanted. Peace and friendly.

Ayaka's P.O.V.,

It's very good to hear the news from Yashiro Commission, thank Archon everything it's all fine! They told me that the war between Shogunate and Sangonomiya is over.

But actually, they just told me that and the cause it's still a mystery. But, it's ok. While there is no conflict in Inazuma, there will be a lot of tourists who want to go here!

They will not scared about Inazuma again. And everything is just all fine.

Yoimiya's P.O.V.,

Since everyone said that the war is ended, yeay, my fireworks merchandise it's so sold more! Of course, when Inazuma still trembling in fear because of conflict here and there, my fireworks merchandise are still good to sell, a lot of people bought them too!

But because it's peace now, well...there is no need to be fear or something just to buy fireworks to make them happy.

Welp, this is the happier day of their life now! Full of peace and romance.

Sayu's P.O.V.,

Whether it's war or not, I'm just doing my sleep. It feels kinda nothing special for me about the Inazuma's peaceful life news.

Umm...maybe because I'm always sleepy and sleepy? Even my activities full sleeping? Humm...maybe that's the one why nothing is surprising for me to hear the news this day.

Although I love sleeping, I can say it's very good for Inazuman people to live their lives in peace. I just hope everything just always like this...hoaaamm...every day.

Sara's P.O.V.,

Honestly, when the conflict still roaming inside Inazuma, I'm not pretty like to do the battle between Sangonomiya. I don't know I'm just feeling...I feel very guilty or something.

But it's because of something like a championship...I need to do it. I have to. Because I am the general of the Kujou Army. I can't choose between I have to do it or not. As the general's homework, they always gonna turn what they have to turn.

The surprised me that so much it's not because of my homework, but the news. News about peace in suddenly appears, and I can feel even peace here.

This is the day that I've been waiting for honestly. But still, there is a limit between Shogunate and Sangonomiya for sure.

Kokomi's P.O.V.,

Teppei...everything it's fine now. No conflict, no war, no pain together again. We are now living in peace, trust me. You already did everything perfectly for us. For Sangonomiya Team to turn straight.

This is the day that I've been wanted and I must be too. Although you went from us, can see our struggle to make Inazuma better than ever.

Thank you, Teppei. I wish you live peacefully and happily ever after in there.

Gorou's P.O.V.,

I don't need to attack everything again except wild enemies...not like Shogunate or Kujou Army. I know they are ungood people, but I know too that it's even not very good if I have to hate them always.

Humans, creatures, are created to not hate each other. But sometimes, they forgot what they have to do. They forgot, not mean they are purely evil.

On this day, what the best day for me! The news that suddenly appears then runs through my ears, this is so suddenly and very surprising.

I wish everything just do fine and no more anger again. Yeah...I wish to.

Thoma's P.O.V.,

What a good condition for now. No tenser and no more fear around. People all of them do their activities with a happy heart.

Well...I'm just a housekeeper...I know I'm just doing my cleaning here and there, but not that too. About Inazuma, I need to know too.

They said it's all fine, peaceful, and happy, what should I say besides I'm gonna say "wow"? The point is good condition, good relationship.

Yae's P.O.V.,

I take a deep breath, I can smell the good aura. This is better than every time I went to the Grand Narukami Shrine. Even the feeling to go here is not freezing in fear. Everybody can do their job like normal again, the difference is...with peace.

I can't believe it Ei can just tell us that everything now we should not be so scared anymore. She also said to us that she promised will handle all the responsibilities as nicely as she can.

But I know, behind that, I can still see she's hiding something that she doesn't want to tell her people. Either way, she's still a "beginner" for face-to-face with her people, which means she's still embarrassing. are their God, their Archon, their majesty, now the fate falls to you for taking care of your people. Be nice to them, I know you can handle this...alone.

Ei's P.O.V.,

Nice day! This day it's the most beautiful day in my life! Also, I'm already out from Plane of Euthymia and came to Inazuma...which is truly a gorgeous blessing for me.

I already command the other Shogunate and Kujou Sara to always stay calm if there is a conflict like this again. But...the weird is they seem kinda not to understand me or they nervously just accept my rules. worries about that. Facing my ascribed status becomes more and more to the above. I want to have a chit-chat with my people but they seem shy or scared, maybe traumatized from Shogun's behavior. long I rule my country, there will be no mistake like what that puppet did to my people.

I am the real Electro, Inazuman Archon. I want everything to live in peace, warmth, and be delighted.

Kazuha's P.O.V.: Inazuma...
Yoimiya's P.O.V.:...the...
Gorou's P.O.V.:...Teyvat...
Thoma's P.O.V.:...for...
Yae's P.O.V.:...making...
Ei's P.O.V.:...a peaceful life.

To be continued....

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