Chapter 35: My apologies, Shogun

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Y/N's P.O.V.,

" don't have to hide anymore," Zhongli said. "And why you're in here? Beside to end me?" Shogun replied. "You made all these messes, so we here to teach you a lesson," Venti said. "I know anything already, you don't need to teach me a lesson," Shogun said arrogantly.

"Tell me,'re doing all your people?" Zhongli asked. "I am Ei's replacement. And I'm no longer again gonna rule Inazuma...without her commands." Shogun answered.

What?! Why she's like this so suddenly? I mean, she's Ei's replacement, yes, but not like that too! Is this mean she wants to do anything or rule anything she wants without Ei's commands?

I very remember, Shogun was supposed to be Ei's assistant, Ei's replacement, but can this happen to her?

"But you supposed to be her assistant, right?" I inquired bravely. "No longer again," Zhongli said. "She will have her consequence from us."

"*Chuckles*, you think you can do that? As her puppet, how can I'm not gonna attack you back?" Shogun chuckled evilly. "Almighty Shogun,'re not again almighty. just want Inazuma to become yours all of them?! And...and..." Paimon said I guess she realizes this now.

"...and she just wants anything free for her. No Ei's commands, that's the most one." Zhongli added.

My eyes also Paimon are wide at Shogun. Is this what she wants it? But...

Maybe I was right before. All of these are supposed to be Ei's fault. Might be. Cause if she's not creating the puppet-like this, no way this can happen. Shogun is not like this before, she follows every Ei's steps. She's always protecting her and loyal to her.

But now...

Everything reversed from Shogun. She becomes selfish. Cause Ei is so strict with her? But that's already their job, right? Oh I said before...Inazuma getting dizzier for me. Every problem needs puzzles to solve.

"Barbatos, Morax, I need you to leave this place, now," Shogun instructed. "Except, Traveler and Paimon." "No! (While let go his bow and points it to Shogun), we're not gonna leave you just like that! Our playtime's not over yet." Venti said.

"Oh, so you are for real dare yourself to defeat me? Well, I'm most impressed with that." Shogun said. "We here to let you know that you're no longer again almighty," Zhongli said.

"Damn you all! I'll tear you apart!!" she mad then swing her sword at us.

Thankfully, Zhongli let out his Geo power to avoid us from her attack. Venti shooting at Shogun with his bow. I'm not just standing here, I'm helping them too.

Shogun who has an op power, never stop attacking us here and there, making us a little confused to defeat her, not mean we're weak, but she's too fast.

"Oh no! What are we gonna do?! The place for you guys fighting it's not huge!" Paimon panicked. "I have an idea," Zhongli answered.

"Darn! If you have the idea, why did you're not telling us earlier?" Paimon asked. "My apologies, I forgot, too focus on Shogun," Zhongli answered.

I wanna laugh there, but not this time. There are sometimes comedies during the fight cause of Paimon, hahaha😂.

Zhongli let out his Geo power...I mean huge Geo power for creating the new place for us to fight each other with Shogun. He let it out from the ground then slowly it rose us! The ground slowly creates the wall then to the top, making it like a rooftop.

The place is all golden-yellow, of course, cause it's Geo.

Zhongli does not rise it until above the ground, but I guess far, far away from the ground, maybe far away from Tenshukaku's rooftop.

Several minutes later, the rise stopped.

"Huh...good power you had, Morax," Shogun said. "Thank you, and you? Good dash power you had." Zhongli replied. "Ok, we're in here not for complimenting each other, right?" Venti asked.

"We do, but with this," Shogun said then rush over to us while pointing us with her polearm.

But it's too late for Shogun to attack us, Venti already shooting her again and once with his Anemo power then she falls. Zhongli attacks her with his polearm and once with his Geo power. I attack her with my Electro power given by the Statue of The Seven as hard as I can.

Paimon? No. She can't do anything except command and yell. That's shit, right?

Minutes later,

"Aah!" Venti yelled in pain. Shogun stabs his chest, it reminds me of when Signora stabs Venti's chest to take his Gnoses.

"Hold on, Bart!" Zhongli worried. "I will have order!" Zhongli let out his very op power from above then smash it to Shogun.

But it's too late for him to attack her, Shogun punches his face with her polearm then Zhongli falls.

Both of the Archons...can fall easily by the puppet? What the fuck man?!

"Oh no! Venti and Zhongli are down! What are we gonna do?!" Paimon panicked.

"Both of them lost their energy. Fall-like leaves. Now it's your turn, Y/N." Shogun points her polearm at me.

I don't scared of her. She's so cruel. Shogun is not Ei's autopilot again. No more. She's selfish. Just want everything for her.

"Y/N!" Paimon shouted. "Y/N!" Venti screamed. "Y/N..." Zhongli said talk quietly to me.

"It's ok, everyone. Let me handle this." I said.

I slowly approach Shogun. With my sword in my hand and Shogun with her polearm. This is can be my final boss (maybe).

"Traveler, are you sure this is what you want?" Shogun asked. "Cause of you, I need to," I answered. "Me? I'm sorry but I'm just a puppet." Shogun answered back. "But you are the core of these messes," I said.

"Just do it...Y/N!" Venti shouted at me, let me kill her. "End her! She's nothing, Traveler!" Zhongli also. "Kill that son of a bitch puppet, Y/N. Then everything will just fine." Paimon told.

"I am the ALMIGHTY!!!" Shogun seems to run out of her patience then run fast at me.

"You all just like humans but with power!" she shouted.

"You all never be like what you've wanted!" she added.

"And this...will end your LIFE!!"

I close my eyes, pointing my sword at her who is already a little near to me. I let out my Electro power from my sword.

"If I die...everything I did... don't ever you fellas," I whispered.

"AAAAHHH!!!" she shouted.

I'm still closing my eyes. I do not feel anything pain yet, but I can feel she's already very near to me.

Then I...I heard a stab sound.

Stab sound? What?

I slowly open my eyes, I thought Venti or Zhongli are the ones who stab her, but...I was wrong.

"You will be inlaid upon them. I should not create you. Creating you is just the same as creating a disaster."

"I choose, you die. My apologies, Shogun."

Ei?! How can she? When she appears?!

To be continued....

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