chapter four

44 4 11

Soon after, I felt my body re-entering the same weightless dreamland state. Only this time nothing woke me up and I was able to sleep peacefully until the sun rose.

[1270 words]

George POV

Muffled voices, giggles and soft snores could be heard. I forced my tired eyes to crack open but my vision was obscured and kind of blurry. As I tried to focus on what was in front of me, I saw what could only be Karl's pants. With one emerald green pant, and another being sunshine yellow. That's when I realized Sapnap was standing beside him, wearing his deep brown pants from yesterday. They were both giggling like crazy. But in my sleepy state, I tried to ignore it and fall back asleep.

Something shifted and away went the warmth. I moved my hand to try and get it back aimlessly, my eyes shut tight. Snuggling closer to the left I felt someone's arm wrap around my waist. My eyes shot open and I peaked a look at the sleeping man, suddenly wide awake. I lifted my head off his pillow as two gasps and pairs of footsteps were heard, the bedroom door slamming soon after.

Dream still hadn't woken up, but I was fully awake. Our faces were facing one another. I stopped breathing subconsciously at the sight in front of me. He looked angelic. His hair was fluffy and his chest was slowly as deep breaths were drawn in, out, and then back again. He looked as though his skin were glowing. He was snoring, his mouth agape, hot breath hitting my nose.

My cheeks were now red as I realized just how close we were. I tried pulling away, not wanting it to be weird when he woke up. He pulled me back, his grip stronger now and his legs entangling with mine.

'How has he not woken up yet?' I asked myself incredulously while letting out an inaudible scoff.

I tried once more, but his grip was undying and there was no way I was going to wake him up. Despite my wishes, I lay my head back down on the pillow, his pillow, and let myself get comfortable once again. Not to go back to sleep, as I had been far past that point for a few minutes now, but to bask in the warmth he provided. The body warmth that was radiating off of him. My arms were awkwardly placed on either side of my torso, trying desperately not to disturb him.

My eyes were tracing every line and feature of the blond's face. From his slight eyebags to his natural pink undertones. I could stare at him for forever and 5 minutes more. I pushed my head in his chest and his arm tightened once more around my frame.

After about 15 minutes of him sleeping, and me playing with his soft fingers, he finally woke up and yawned. He started stroking my hair with a smile on his face.

"Good morning~" I murmured, the smell of bacon and eggs now being prominent as I assumed Karl and Sapnap were cooking breakfast for the four of us.

Dream stopped playing with my hair and pressed his nose to the top of my head and a muffled "Good morning Georgie," made its way to my ears. His smile- his lopsided smile could be heard shining through his sleepy voice. It [his voice] sounded tired, and un-used but still incredibly pretty in it's own way. Kind of like Dream himself. No, what am I thinking, that's not- what- no.

He placed a small kiss on my head before lifting his arm, untangling our legs, and ultimately getting up from the bed. I was left speechless and slightly flustered as he made his way to the door. His hand rested on the handle as he turned towards me, "Aren't you coming?"

I stared at him for a second, my arms crossed, and an expression still flustered but stern, "We're not dating," I stated.

"Yea," a cute smile appeared on his face as we kept eye contact. "Why do you feel the need to remind me of that dreadful fact," he questioned while putting his hand on his forehead as if he were feeling faint, in a playful manner.

"Because," my British accent got thicker and his lips lifted ever so slightly at the sound of it. "You keep on... kissing me, and making me all flustered. Even when we were sleeping you were, like, cuddling me or whatever," I tried to sound mad, tried to get my point across, but I guess he's too dense.

He chuckled and slightly shook his head, his smile slowly turning into a smirk, "don't act like you don't like it, Georgie," and with that, he left the room and closed the door behind him. This charismatic idiot was going to be the death of me wasn't he? I flopped to the bed, and sighed before hugging my pillow and bringing it to my nose only to smell him.

Getting up from the bed, I grabbed a white collared dress shirt along with a black slightly oversized sweatshirt. Once I put those on I grabbed black cargo pants, with too many pockets, and a strap tangled on one of the pant legs.

After putting on the outfit and opening my door I was met with Karl who, judging by his stance, was about to knock on my door. His eyes widened and he took a step back. "Hi Karl," I said, my eyes squinted and my voice going slightly higher out of pure happiness.

"Oh, hi George! I was just coming to get you before Sapnap ate all the eggs."

I looked behind his head to see Sapnap and Dream arguing over the last pieces of bacon. Dream won. I chuckled which caused Karl to turn around and smile at the sight. Sapnap was exaggerating his pout as Dream smirked triumphantly and shoved the whole piece in his mouth before Sapnap could steal it from his grip.

We walked over and both of the men's gazes turned towards me. I felt insecure as they stared me down, while I sat and got some eggs on my plate.

"God, you're so pretty," Dream whispered, leaning slightly in my ear. The others hadn't heard it, and even if they had it still would've been very hard to explain as to why I was blushing. I didn't even know why. Okay... well that's a lie but-

"Wow George, your outfit looks amazing!" Sapnap remarked, sounding like an excited third grader.

"Thank you Sapnap," I offered a smile and reached for the orange juice Karl was handing me.

After a few minutes, Karl got up and pointed to his watch while looking over to Dream, who had his arm around the back of my chair, and Sapnap, who was talking about some rare Pokémon cards. Sapnap looked up and nodded softly. He got up, grabbed his coat and hugged me goodbye, Karl doing the same thing. They left the apartment as Dream took his time, checking for the third time now, to see if they left anything. As he "didn't want to take any chances".

I walked over to where I assumed he was, in the kitchen, and found him 'searching' for something. He noticed me and walked over. He bent low enough so that we were at eye level and asked if Karl and Sapnap were gone in a hushed tone.

"Yea, they left and told me to get you to hurry up," I responded slightly confused.

I didn't hear his voice but I saw his lips mouth something along the lines of "perfect". He had confused me even more until I saw his hands threatening to come up. He started tickling me and I couldn't bare it.

"Dream! Dream- I'm serious! Stop! I- Stop!" I started running, my laughs making me slow down as he continued to chase me around.



this one is cute too ig, the sleeping scene was hard to write tho- idk if it makes sense but wtvr, it was still fun to write :D

at first i wrote a kissing scene in this, but then i said 'no. tickling.' so you're welcome 😌

goodnight/morning and remember that you're not alone ;^

also we're gonna ignore the fact that i had to update like 5 different things after publishing this chapter 🧍


autumn breeze || dreamnotfoundWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu