chapter ten

24 2 8

Which is fine. I'm.. completely fine with that. I mean.. we're not dating or anything, so it's fine.

[1324 words]

Dream POV

I finished my shift, and cleaned the tables with a rag, but I hadn't seen George yet today. I decided to stay a little longer than usual. Hoping to see George before I leave to go to the airport. He never came. That brought down my mood a little, I missed him. But, to be fair I guess I did kind of overstay my welcome.

'What if he doesn't like you anymore. You scared him. Why did you scare him off like everyone else,' I left the dirty rag on the counter and screamed my goodbyes to Karl and Sapnap up the staircase before my thoughts became too much for me to handle.

I locked the café door. The keys jumped from hand to hand as I tossed them around, making a sound of metal clashing together. The cold air had gone from a light breeze, earlier in the afternoon, to a harsh wind now. When it hit my face it hurt. The air felt sharp in my lungs. When I exhaled, a cloud of smoke followed out of my mouth.

Opening the door to my black little car I felt the warm seat beneath me. I closed the door, turned the key and kicked my car into ignition. The leather wheel was cold to the touch, the radio playing quietly in the background. I turned up the heating, trying to warm myself up, as well as the volume for some music.

I started humming absentmindedly, gently tapping my fingers on the, now room temperature, steering wheel. I kept my eyes on the road, heading to the airport. I still didn't know the city too well yet, except for the general area where Sap and I lived. I started punching in the address, to which I was going, in my GPS. My eyes darted back and forth between the road and my phone screen. I should have done it while I was parked, but I forgot. Oops.

I looked up just in time to see that my light turned red. I abruptly stopped and my phone flew out of my hand to the dashboard. Thankfully, nothing broke, but my toes hurt from the force I used when I pressed on the brake pedal. I took the opportunity of the red light to finish putting in the address.


I arrived and was patiently awaiting Peach. They told me to park near the baggage claim so I did. Now it was the waiting game. I went on my phone to spare the time.

A few minutes passed and I heard a knock on the window of my car door. I turned my head towards the sound and saw my favourite non-binary, Peach.

I opened my door and ran around the hood of the door. The air was still harsh and their skin scratched red from the cold weather. I pulled Peach into a hug and their face lit up.

We pulled away, both falling into a comfortable silence. Like the old days. I sighed contently as they started grabbing their luggage and asking where to put it.

"Oh, here," I reached my arm out and grabbed both of their bags, "I can grab them."

I placed them in the trunk as Peach made their way into my car. I heard the passenger door slam shut, the trunk following soon after. I still couldn't believe that they were here today. I was freaking out inside. Not able to control my happiness, I made a squealing noise as I hopped to my door, getting ready to start driving again.

I got in and saw that they had already plugged in their phone to the AUX. I rolled my eyes playfully as I saw Peach played Blank Space by Taylor Swift. We considered this song to be 'ours' when we were younger.

"CUZ I GOTTA BLANK SPACE BABYYYYY!! AND I'LL WRITE YOUR NAME," we were 'singing' while we laughed like crazy, our voices cracked, and the windows were lowered despite the temperature.

As the song came to a stop and another played, Peach took it to start the conversation themselves, "so, Dream, what's new?"

My mind immediately thought of George. Me and Peach have been friends for many years, yet I still haven't told them that I'm gay. I don't know how they'll react to it. I don't want to ruin what we have but... I know that I'll have to tell them. Soon.

My head turned to the passenger seat, where they were sitting expectantly with their eyebrows raised. I rolled up the windows, the cold air getting to me under the sweater I had on.

"Dream? Everything ok?" Their voice was soothing and it always found a way to comfort me, "I'm sorry if I hurt you, or made you sad," their voice was softer and they sounded genuinely upset with themselves.

My eyes pricked with tears, 'not now, please. Anytime but now,' I begged to no one in particular. While speaking lower than a whisper I told them that it wasn't their fault. They nodded briefly before placing their hand on mine, gently rubbing their thumb on my knuckles, like I would do to George.

I turn to look at them through my blurry eyes and they offered me a small smile. I smiled back but couldn't help the tears that slowly rolled out my eyes and onto my cheeks. To be completely transparent, I didn't even know why I was crying. I wasn't stressed with work, and nothing had happened since this morning. It was all so confusing, but I didn't have time to think about it. I needed to concentrate on the road ahead, on driving Peach safely to the café.

I felt like pulling over, my eyes kept on leaking. Not necessarily crying but... leaking.

We were nearing the café now, and Peach removed their hand. I forgot it was there, and missed the comfort it brought. Not in the same way that I would've missed George's, but I still wanted it back. I pulled in front of the café to help Peach take out their stuff, before going to park my car in the little parking lot behind the building.

Opening the trunk, I got one of their bags as Peach insisted on bringing the other. My keys jangled once more as I took them out of my pocket, locking my car door with one key, and taking out the other to unlock the door in front of me. I fumbled with the lock but eventually got it in and pushed open the door.

We both welcomed the warm gust of air that hit us when we walked in. Sap and Karl could be heard playing video games upstairs. They were screaming so loud that I was surprised we couldn't hear them from outside. I chuckled as Peach looked to the ceiling confused.

I could see the exact moment it clicked in that little brain of theirs. Their knitted brows loosened and their mouth was pressed to a fine line as they asked, "Sapnap?"

"Yep, still as he was ten years before," I offer my most charming smile, a wink and click my teeth together.

Peach shook their head and made their way to the staircase, seemingly knowing where to go already. I didn't question it, as Sap had shown them a tour of the place via facetime a few days ago.

We reached the door and my stomach did a backflip when I heard a familiar British voice. He was screaming about how 'Mario Kart is a stupid game anyways.' I could practically hear the eye roll through the wooden door. So.. George and Peach are gonna meet today? Right now? O-ok. Alright.



i didn't forget about this you did.

now.. back to our regularly scheduled program

- lilo<3

autumn breeze || dreamnotfoundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें