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"Where is he?" Niall asks when Harry takes his blindfold off,  "what are you boys doing here?" he asks when he sees Louis and Harry looking at him.
"Who? Kidnapper?" Louis asks him, "no idea where the kidnapper is and we have no idea what we are doing here."
"The kidnapper, Zayn to be exact. He is the one who bought me here," Niall says,"am I right? It was him right?"
"Are you mad? Zayn the bad boy? Give it a rest, why would he do something like that? He can call us easily, can't he?" Louis says and laughs loudly.
"But why would Zayn kidnap you and us?" Harry asks Niall when Louis stops laughing.
"I don't know and I can't ask him, but it sure as hell was him," Niall says,"who do you think it was then?"
"I have no idea but if you think it that way, I was knocked down when someone asked me to come outside of my house, I had no chance to see who it was, it's someone who knows where my parents live and someone my mom knows," Harry then says.
"That's true, but Zayn? No way," Louis says.
"Have you tried to escape?" Niall stands and tries to open the door, but it's still locked.
"Louis tried a few times, it's useless," Harry says, "and unnecessary."
"Yeaaaah," Louis says.
"What? Why are you saying that? How long have you guys been here?"
"One day only."
"It's been a good day at least, it's been nice to have some time alone," Harry says and smiles to Louis.
"You guys have officially gone crazy," Niall says, "someone kidnapped you and you are happy about it," he shakes his head,"unbelievable."
"We got a note saying it's only for a few days, and then we are supposed to find out what's going on, so we hope it's true and we are clearly happy about this vacation kind of thing," Harry says and pulls Louis into a hug, "And we are so happy that you are here too, come here, group hug," he continues and Niall goes in for a hug.

"Seems like I have to join your amazing vacation here. But guys, please, as much as I like to see you two together, just please please please try to keep it in your pants while I'm here too. I know it would be hard for you but seriously," Niall laughs and other two boys join in.

"So," Niall starts, "we are not trying to escape? Like not at all?"
"Nope," Harry says.
"Okey then, what do we have for a dinner?"
Typical Niall.
"Well apparently nothing, we have some snacks there," Harry points to cupboard next to the door.
"Cool," Niall opens the cupboard and starts shoving all kinds of stuff into his mouth.

Next morning they wake up and find another note. Niall grabs it and reads it

What would you like to have for a breakfast? Knock on the door if you have decided what do you want. Also you guys are going to have more company tonight.

"More company?" Niall says to himself, "hey guys, I'm pretty sure that Liam will join us today."
"What? Why?" Louis asks. His voice still filled with sleep.
"This note here practically says it," Niall laughs, "and what are we having for breakfast?"
"Is there something else you can think about Niall?" Louis asks,"I don't know what to eat, like eggs and bacon maybe?" Louis tells.

Niall goes and knocks on the door and waits to hear some steps behind the door.
And when he hears them he says, "heyyo Zayn, we would like to have eggs and bacon for breakfast, thank you."

Is Zayn the kidnapper or not?

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