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Liam goes to door and unlocks it, Niall is the one who shouts, "I told you it was Liam who's going to come here next," Niall tells.
"Hii boys hii," is what Liam says to them after closing the door.
"Unbelievable. Wait. How did you get in here? No blindfold no nothing?"
"Are you the one who kidnapped us then? Never would've thought this about you Lima bean," Louis says.
"If it was you then where's our breakfast eh? I'm starving," Niall says.

"Yeah well it wasn't me but I know who did it," Liam chuckles.
"So who did it? And why are we here? I need answers and food," Niall tells.

"It was so hard to get us all together, so this certain somone thought it would be easier to just kidnap you all and then talk about 1D reunion, what do you boys think about reunion?"

"I'm in," Niall says without hesitation.
"Yeah well me too, but not under the same management," Louis says after a while.
"What about you Harry?" Liam asks from him.
"I won't do this thing when Zayn is not with us," Harry says after thinking a while, "seriously. You can't convince me. We are not One Direction without him, we are just Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry."

"What if Zayn is in too?" Liam asks.
"Zayn wants reunion too?" Niall and Harry ask the same time.

"You know that me and Zayn are not on speaking terms right?" Louis asks from Liam.
"Yeah I know that, everybody knows that. Maybe it's time to clear things up?" he asks hopefully, "we need zouis friendship back. Don't you miss it?"
"Of course I miss it, but it's not that easy," Louis sighs.

"Come with me, let's talk about it," Liam says and guides Louis outside of that room, "you boys please don't leave," he tells the others,"I will be back."

Liam opens the door to another room, "go in there Lou, clear it up."
Louis sighs and goes inside.

I have literally 21 story drafts on wattpad.
From where am I going to take that time to write them all😂🤦‍♀️

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