Her phone then rang making her pull it out to look at who was calling... She then glared at the sight of Alya's number making her reject the call, this has been the fifth time the ex blogger called her today and she isn't going to answer no matter what happens, she just didn't see the point of talking to a girl who wouldn't see reason in all of this, she then noticed a text from her mom, she explained that she and Tom have just arrived with the wedding cake and just wanted to know who would help them get it at the right table, she quickly texted Sabrina to see if she could go meet her parents to get the cake set up with Kim's help.

The redhead quickly replied that she and Kim were heading to meet her parents for the cake, so with a smile Mari texted her mom about who was on the way to help them, her mom replied with a thank you and with that... Marinette walked into the room to find Jasmine standing before the tall mirror, she was smiling brightly at the sight of her in her wedding dress that Mari worked hard to make for her... And she was proud of her hard work "You look amazing Jas" she said as she handed her friend the water, Tikki and Plagg were flying around the room giggling and purring at how amazing Jasmine looked right now.

 And she was proud of her hard work "You look amazing Jas" she said as she handed her friend the water, Tikki and Plagg were flying around the room giggling and purring at how amazing Jasmine looked right now

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So with that... They were off to get Jasmine married to Jonathan! They all got into place and the big day began without a hitch, this made Mari so happy as the day continued and Jasmine began to dance with Jon, Damian stood at her side with a smile the day continued until it was time for the newly married couple to head for the airport for there honeymoon, Mari promised to take care of there home and that they would be driven home when they get back from there honeymoon, Jasmine thanked her before left with Jonathan into the limo for the airport... Not knowing what the Wayne's and the Kent's had secretly planned.

While on the honeymoon, neither knew that there things were being put into boxes and then moved to a house that the Justice League built for them, or that they were finishing up decorating it... With Clark making a neutral colored nursery to leave them a message that he wanted grandkids... Which Louis then left a note on the door that they could wait until they were ready, Mari giggled as she watched Pamela grow amazing trees and plants for them to have a garden... She couldn't wait for them to come back from there honeymoon since she was certain she would get a call.

And they did! Well... Bruce got a call from Clark who claimed that Jasmine got to the house with Jon... And called him and Louis to tell them that they were expecting... Not the call they expected but it was a call... So they all met up at there new home for a barbecue that they had planned to have to celebrate there futur firstborn, the event went great and Mari smiled at how happy Jasmine was right now from all of this happening right now... She knew that her friend and partner was very happy at the moment with her life... Just like she was.

Months went by and now here Ladybug was, in Gotham... Turns out that Hawkmoth handed the butterfly and peacock miraculous to two others who very much wanted the wish, they didn't work together at all from what she could tell but both of them wanted the ladybug and black cat miraculous... There names were Pavona and Ombre... Mari already figured out who they were behind the mask that to the Wayne's being detectives and all of that... But it was the wish that she needed to figure out fully for the both of them and that was much harder then she thought it would be.

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