Time to explain

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Marinette is worried, Jasmine went out last night but didn't come back at all, Mari wanted to call her to get some answers but decided to wait until they start heading for class, so here she was by the entrance of there college and watches as Jasmine rushed over to her with Jon and Damian walking over "Jasmine? Are you okay what happened last night?" she asked with a worried tone in her voice, the girl smiled softly towards to her partner "Can we talk at lunch? In a more private place?" she asked making Mari nod as they then went inside for class.

As the time passed, Mari's mind wondered on what happened to Jasmine to not contact her or return home, Tikki claimed that Plagg came by during the night and said that Jasmine was fine and safe but didn't say more than that, of course Mari wanted to transform and go out to track Jasmine down... But if she wasn't transformed into Karma then that couldn't happen, she sighed as she looked at the time to see that there was thirteen minutes left before class ended and she could go eat lunch while getting answers from Jasmine about what happened to her last night.

When the bell rang she almost ran out of the classroom since she had already packed up her things, she had to know what happened to Jasmine and now, once she was at there usual spot, she found Jasmine already there but with Jon and Damian... And Plagg for the two to see, it didn't make sense, why was he out in the open to them, but she also noticed how they weren't freaked out at all which told her one thing... Something happened that revealed to them her identity, she groaned knowing that this would not be an easy story for her to hear, but she still walked over and sat next to Jasmine "Explain everything" she said simply making Jasmine nod.

Jasmine began to explain what happened during her run, her encounter with Jon and then waking up in his room detransformed, from what Mari could understand, only Jon and Damian knew about there secret now, the people who caused Jasmine's injuries didn't see her detransformed so that was good... But this meant she had to explain to them everything about the miraculous... And what they were hiding from the boys since they arrived, she sighed and then made the two promise that this does not get revealed to anyone else "We need this to be kept a secret... And it's to protect us from threats" she explained making the two boys nod to her small request.

Jasmine nods as Mari then begins there story: the arrival of Hackmoth, the akuma's he made, how she became Ladybug, her partner Cat Noir came to help her, he got a crush on her, Lila Rossi's arrival, her lies beginning, the team she first formed, Chloe turning evil, Lila's bullying, the class believing Lila over her and Jasmine, Cat Noir become disgusting, taking away his ring, handing it to Jasmine, Karma appears as her new partner, bullying becomes worst, her parents try to help but get ignored, the plans for college, Lila trying but failed to trap the two girls and now and Adrien turning from Ladybug to Mari and Jas "So please understand, we hid all of this because the past was too much for me to move on from" she explained before going quiet.

The two boys look at one another in silence, neither knew what to say, there was just so much information to set down that they simply had no idea on how to respond at the moment, Jasmine watched them as Tikki and Plagg ate, she really hoped that they would accept them even with everything they went through because of Lila wanting to destroy them, Jon then placed a hand over her's... Even though he wasn't saying a thing she knew something simple... He was going to keep it a secret and wasn't going to leave her at all, she smiled to him in return as Damian whispered to Mari the same silent message Jon told her, it made her happy to know that they could trust them both.

From that day on, the four stuck together, they hang out together, sometimes the boys will come over to the girls place and the girls will do the same other days, they began to be a great group that was spoken of all over college, Jasmine and Jon was seen as the cute couple, always holding hands, cuddling, feeding one another and many other things, people wanted to be like them as they believed that they would get married and grow old together in the end which Damian and Mari often teased them about... But they weren't any better then Jasmine and Jon to be honest.

They were seen as the model couple, doing great together, talking through there problems, barely fighting, bonding over things and pretty much anything else that was seen as perfect for couples to do in the end... Many couples at the college wished they were more like the couple and others wished they could have a relationship like that, Gotham university now had two famous couples making many wish to meet them all as time slowly continued until at long last... It was now time to graduate Gotham university, the couple was ready for the event, they had each figured out the next step in there lives, Mari and Damian would go to Wayne manor while beginning there jobs.

Meanwhile, Jasmine and Jon found a nice apartment to move into while getting ready for work, before they split ways, the plan was for them to enjoy a meal together before Jon and Jasmine need to leave Gotham for Metropolis, Mari hated this because the ladybug and black cat miraculous were going to split ways... But they both knew that it would be alright in the end, Mari and Jasmine would see each other again... Because Ladybug and Karma can never be split apart for very long... Of course there was Paris and chances of them seeing there old classmates again since Lila more then likely lied to them about the true reason behind them not going to the college together and blame the two of them.

But it was certain that even though she was going to bang on there doors... They would get back up to destroy her...

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