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'Hey beautiful' I hear coming from a deep but calm sexy but sweet voice.
I finally turn around 'hi!' I say awkwardly
He then says 'How are you' while giggling at my obvious shyness
'I'm good! How about you' I say while smiling
'I'm fine, just saw you staring and decided to come talk to you and see what's up' he says
'Oh nothing lol' I says, and what I meant to think to my self but instead says out loud 'just thought that you're really cute' I froze in shock and embarrassment.
He looks me in the eye for a couple seconds and goes 'you're too' 'very beautiful'
I look down from him trying to make eye contact and giggle 'thank you' I say while blushing.
He grabs my chin and push my head up, makes eye contact and says 'you're welcome beautiful'

He hands me what looks like some type of business card but was just a card with his number on it.

We walk away from each other and I noticed that my friends are a few feet behind me embarrassed of my shyness.

So we get the things we needed and went back to my place.

We all put on our matching pjs and the night begins.

I slip to the bathroom with the card he handed me and texted the number 'hey it's me from earlier'

I don't know why I expected him to text back immediately.. lol

So I go back In the living room to the girls after 20 minutes of being in the bathroom pacing back and forth.

So about a hour later he texted me back.
'Hey beautiful, how are you?'
My heart immediately dropped. I didn't think he would respond.
'Hi, I'm ok. Wbu?'
He then responded with
'I'm better now that I'm texting you'

So we texted the whole night till about 3am I accidentally fell asleep with iMessages open leaving him on read.
I woke up and when I realized that I left him on read I froze thinking the worst things 'he probably think I don't like him' 'he blocked me for leaving him on read'
So I texted back and said 'I'm so sorry! I fell asleep.'
He then responded
'Lol beautiful it's ok, I figured you fell asleep.'
Then followed with
'If you'd like I would love to take you on a date tonight, I wanna see your beautiful face again.'
I responded with
'I'd love to!'

I went through the whole day thinking about it. Smiling and giggling at the texts the night before

Now I'm home and finding something to wear.
I pull out this black thigh length long sleeve dress.
I flat iron my medium length black hair with a middle part.
And wear strapped black heals.

He pull up in a red Lamborghini with black interior and verrry tinted windows.

Im shitting bricks I'm so nervous.
I Open my door and see him standing there in a black and white tuxedo.
Fresh haircut, medium stubble beard.

I'm acting as brave as I can, but I'm the inside I just wanna burst out crying.

He scans my whole body.
I thought he did that because I looked less than he excepted.
But he says
'You look amazing beautiful.'
I responded
'Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself.'
I said it low accidentally out of nervousness.
He smiles and lick his lips at me
And this where I realized that
He knows that I'm nervous and he likes it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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