Shorter swiveled around in her gamer chair, thankful that he was able to spend more time with Lux since her parents were going to be home late. "It's the least I could do." He watched as she began to empty out her backpack and start to open up notebooks and take out multi colored pens. "You really take your studying seriously."

"I have to if I want to get into a good college."

"Ever get tired of it? Just doing the same thing everyday?"

She shook your head, "Not really. I like it for the most part. I'm a routine type of person so doing the same thing everyday is pretty comforting to me."

"I'm the opposite." Shorter stood up and studied the shelf full of books and old photo albums that Lux had collected through out the years. "It's like everyday something new is happening to me, doesn't matter if it's good or bad, I'm kind of thankful for everything. Don't know what I'd do if everyday was the exact same."

"My anxiety would be through the roof if I lived like that." Lux admitted while jotting down notes for her next history exam. The words played back in her head and her eyes shot up when she realized how that may have sounded judgmental. "Oh my gosh! I didn't mean that in a bad way!"

Shorter laughed at the cute reaction. "Trust me it's okay." He reached up for a pastel pink photo album that had collected some dust from never being opened. Inside were blurry pictures that were taken with a Polaroid and cutesy stickers around the borders of each page. "Did you take these?" He asked, holding open the album.

"Yeah. I used to like taking pictures when I was a kid. Flip over a few pages and there's a whole section dedicated to cartoon characters as melting popsicles." All of the old photos were so random and carefree. Shorter's favorite was the one she took of herself playing in her mothers make up, wearing crazy blue eyeshadow and smudged red lipstick. "How come you stopped? Looked like you had a lot of fun doing this."

Lux shrugged and chewed on the end of a pen, focusing more on the words in the textbook rather than paying much attention to Shorter's question, "I don't know. Guess I just realized that stuff wasn't that important."

"What do you mean?"

"None of that is going to impact my life in any way so I stopped to focus on things that will."

Shorter couldn't wrap his head around this girls thought process. Anything that wasn't considered school oriented or dedicating something to your future, had little interest to her. To him it seemed like such a sad life to live and she didn't even notice. "Not sayin what you're doing now isn't important but there's more to life than burying your head in a textbook."

Lux understood what Shorter was saying but there was also such a thing as being too care free and that wasn't a road she wanted to take. "Everybody chooses to live how they want and I'm perfectly fine with what I'm doing."

"If you say so." This was a conversation for another day. Shorter just wanted to enjoy the little bit of time he had left with her. "How's your friend Oz by the way? Sure he hates me even more now."

"He's fine. We've always been pretty protective over each other which is why his guard is up around you. Just give it time."

Obviously Shorter wasn't threatened by this best friend, but he was worried about him. Last thing he needed was for this guy to out Lux to her parents and never being able to see her again. "I'm sure my friend would like you a lot."

"Yeah? Which one?" Lux's eyes never left the book as she answered.

"His names Ash. I've mentioned you a few times."

"Mm. He have anything to say?"

"Yeah. Wondering why a girl as smart as you is hanging out with a dumbass like me." Shorter chuckled thinking back on the conversation. "He's super smart too. Has an IQ of 200."

The pen dropped from Lux's fingers. That was impossible. Obviously Shorter had to be exaggerating, right? "I believe you about Ash being smart but I doubt his IQ is 200."

"I'm serious. He can do math in his head!" Shorter added as if that was the breakthrough of the century.

"That means he'd be smarter than Einstein who's IQ was 160."

Shorter crossed his arms, "Einstein married his cousin. Ash is way cooler and smarter by default!"

"First of all, I'm surprised you know that weird fact." She chuckled, "Second, how did you meet this genius?"

"Oh I met him when we were in ju-" Shorter quickly stopped himself. He couldn't admit that they met in juvie. Then Lux would know he had a criminal record. Another reason for her to be afraid of him. "Uhhh, summer camp! Yeah his parents thought he was a brainy freak, so they sent him to get socialized."

"Was he homeschooled?"

"Mhm." At least that part wasn't a complete lie. "Turned out him and I both lived in NYC and we've been friends ever since."

"That's so sweet." She smiled, "I always wanted to go to camp but my parents never let me. I hope to meet him some day."

"Me too." Shorter checked his phone and saw how it was already getting late. "Hey I should start heading out. Your parents are gonna be home soon."

Lux looked at the clock and was saddened that she was going to be left alone. "I wish you could stay longer." She admitted while walking Shorter down the stairs.

"Try not to miss me too much." He teased, ruffling his hand through her black hair.

"Ugh!" She slapped his hands away. "Quit it!" Shorter loved the shade of pink that flourished over those plump cheeks whenever she got embarrassed. It was cute. "Can you call me later?"

"Awww wanna hear my voice before you go to bed?"

Lux pouted as she turned away, "No not that."

Shorter gently shifted her face back towards his, "Then what?" He smirked.

Her heart began to flutter faster with each passing second that Shorter looked into her eyes. He was so close. Close enough to hug. Close enough to kiss. She wanted to do that so badly but her shyness was stopping it from happening. She playfully pushed his hand away and gave him a soft smile, "Just wanted to tell you goodnight."

She was so pure and Shorter felt guilty about all of this lying. It made him wish he was born into a different life where he knew Lux would accept him, and all of his current flaws would be non existent. "You know.... They say a kiss lasts forever." He leaned in and puckered his lips. That was enough toying around. The only thing on Shorter's mouth was Lux's palm before pointing out the door for him to leave. "C'mon I was just joking!"

"Shorter Wong, you are the worst!"

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