Chapter Twenty-two

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— Kaminari —

Shinso was acting... weird. I wanted to ask about the bruises he'd shown up with. Neither of us said anything as I could barely tolerate him holding me in his arms.


I woke up to warmth all around me. I opened my eyes to see sun shining through my curtains. Shinso has me wrapped in his arms and he was asleep. I yawned and sat up, carefully maneuvering Shinso out of the way....

Then it hit me. I remembered again everything that's happened and I started to cry. I realized I was still holding onto Shinso's hand and I sqeeezed it a bit tighter. I knew it was probably wrong but it was only for a second because then he started to stir. I quickly let go and walked to my bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I slumped against the door and let out a sob. After another minute of standing there, I walked over to my closet and threw my uniform together. I put on my black and white checkered low-top Vans and grabbed my backpack from the floor by my desk.

Shinso was still on my bed, but not dressed and ready for school. I grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and carried my backpack on my right shoulder. Shinso made a desperate attempt to grab my hand.

"Kaminari-" I yanked my hand out of his reach, though I didn't want to. I slammed the door behind me.


I noticed Bakugo wasn't in first period and Shinso never arrived either.

"Kaminari, do you a free period?" Kirishima asked. I thought about saying no and just lying about it, but I found myself slowly nodding. Kirishima took my hand and led me to an empty hallway.


"Sit." He sat down and I did too, leaning against he wall. "So I'm guessing you heard what happened." I blinked and gave him a blank stare.

"What happened?" I asked in a monotone voice. He sighed.

"Shinso and Bakugo got in fight yesterday. He beat up Shinso pretty badly, so they're both on lockdown. A part of me thought Shinso deserved it... but Bakugo told him how badly he hurt you.... He told Shinso that you love him- but.... You should have seen the look on his face." My lips parted in surprise. "Shinso said that Monoma guy kissed him when he tried to tell the other guy he like someone else...."

I stopped breathing for a few seconds. 'He likes someone else...?' I stood up but Kirishima grabbed my hand. "Wait-"

"No I think I've heard enough." I said, yanking my hand back walked away. I found myself standing in front of Bakugos dorm. I knocked and the door swung open. Bakugos eyes widened.

"Kaminari!" I looked away.

"I see you're on lockdown." I said with a frown.

"So... you heard?" I nodded. Bakugo closed his eyes and sighed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"The hell?! I'm fine!" I leaned against the doorframe and looked at my shoes. 'Vans.... Shinsos favorite.' "I heard you're not eating." My head whipped back up.


"I overheard Shinso when he was explaining the whole thing to Mr. Aizawa. He said you haven't been eating and that you're not letting him help you on your own- that he's been having to use his quirk- which is understandable." I blinked a couple of times. "Has Kirishima checked your arms recently?"

I thought about lying and saying he did, but I knew Bakugo would ask Kirishima about it later and they'd both figure out that I'd lied. I swallowed as looked back down. Bakugo grabbed my hand and led me to his bathroom.

He rolled my sleeves up and unwrapped the old bandages. He has me pinned between his knees as he sat on the edge of the tub. So he was straddling my legs- that way if I tried to go anywhere I'd fall.

He sighed and what seemed like disappointment as he saw my right arm. I had no reaction, I just watched as he run see my arms in cool water, applied Vaseline and rewrapped them in bandages.

He rolled my sleeve down and stood up. I backed up a bit , but not much before Bakugo was hugging me. I wasn't really shocked per say and I barely had enough energy to hugs him back. Then he pulled back to face me.

"If you don't eat lunch today, we're gonna have a problem." Bakugo said, taking my cold hands.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm fucking serious! I don't think you've eaten since Tuesday- it's Friday!"

"I don't care and I'm not hungry!" I shouted.

"Well, I care whether you care or not- but you're going to eat!" I glared at him, tugging my hands back. I started to leave but the moment I opened the door, Kirishima shoved through to Bakugo.

"Babe, he's not eating." I heard Bakugo say. I rolled my eyes and slammed he door. I started to walk down the hallway. I heard footsteps run after me a minute later. I didn't have to turn around to know it was Kirishima.

"Kaminari!" He stopped when I did, panting slightly. "Come on." He grabbed my left arm.

"No!" I tried to dig my heels in for leverage.

"Yes! You haven't eaten since Tuesday and it's almost time for lunch anyway." He started to turn me in the direction of the cafeteria.

"I'm. Not. Hungry!" I shouted.

"I don't care! You need to eat!" I shook my head and tried to yank my arm back, but he was too strong. Or maybe that was just my lack of energy.

He had to basically drag me to get something to eat and when he set a sandwich in front of me, I just stared at it. I really wasn't hungry and I haven't been for days. "He likes someone else."

Kirishimas words played inside my head and I felt sick. "Come on... Please?" He begged. I shook my head and pushed the tray away. I felt like throwing up. Kirishima sighed and put his head on his hands. I looked at him. "Look, I'm not going to give up on you, okay? You're my best friend and I care about you so much. I will keep trying to do anything I can to see that you're being taken care of! Whether it's Shinso, me, Bakugo or yourself!"

My hands started to shake and Kirishima took them. "Come on, Kaminari, please? You don't even have to eat the whole thing, as long as you eat something."  I looked down at the floor. "He likes someone else." I stood up but he didn't let my hands go.


"No!" He cried out.

"I'll eat later, okay?"

"I don't trust that! How do I know you will?!" I glared at him and held my breath. I slowly sat back down and crossed my arms when he let go. I yawned. "Have you been getting sleep?" He knew about the insomnia. Before U.A. he used to be there, along with Bakugo, to help me sleep.

Since we've all been neighbors, we were always at each other's houses. I shrugged in answer to his question.

I sighed. "How much do I have to eat?"

"As much as you can." Eventually, I ate about half of the sandwich on the half hour that we had for lunch.

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