Chapter Thirteen

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— Kaminari —

"Go die you worthless piece of shit!"

I shot straight up and opened my eyes, struggling to catch my breath. I wasn't at home, I was at my U.A. dorm. Then I realized that's Shinso's missing. 'Wasn't he here with me when I fell asleep?! Oh no...! Is my mom here?! Did she do something to him..?'

I stood up quickly and looked around. Everything seemed normal- expect the voice in my head telling me to cut myself. Although I guess it's starting to become the norm...I slowly walked over to my bathroom. 'Wait no! That would be breaking Shinso's promise..' I stopped with my hand on the door handle. Maybe I could call him.... But that would probably be more helpful if I had his number. And I would be bothering him!

I was more than Plus Ultra conflicted as the door opined and the boy I was just thinking about walked in. I gasped as he saw me and ran to him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"Woah! Are you okay? Kaminari!" He sounded really worried.

"I- I was gonna do it! I was gonna break my promise and I woke up and you were gone!"

"Did you break it?" He asked as he walked me over to his bed and laid down. I stood there and shook my head, slightly hyperventilating. "Okay... Okay, good-"

"But I wanted to!" I yelled as tears fell down my face.

"I know- but you didn't, right?" I shook my head again. "That's good!" He grabbed my hand and made me lay down. I sighed as he entwined our fingers together

"I guess..."

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