Chapter Twelve

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— Shinso —

Later, around 7:50 pm, after Kaminari fell asleep. Kinda early if I do say so myself but oh well. I decided to tell dad.... If I'm gonna help him, I'm gonna need as much info as I can get- or at least as much as anyone will tell me.

Me: Dad?
Dad: It's not surprising that you're still up.
Me: Dad!
Dad: What?
Me: Do you know anything about Kaminari's home life?
Dad: Yes another student told me. Why are you asking?
Me: Do you know if he self harms?
Dad: I don't know. Are you trying to tell me he does?
Me: I don't know. I'm asking IF he does.
Dad: As far as I know, no. Hitoshi, why are you asking??
Me: I'm just wondering lol. Goodnight.

I didn't wait to see of he responded or not, but chances are, he doesn't believe that I'm "just wondering". I had a pretty good idea of who might have told my dad though. I set my phone down and sighed. I looked at the sleeping ray of sunshine. He had fallen asleep when I was playing with his hair and I wasn't about to ruin the little amount of sleep he gets- not like I did last night.

I carefully slid a pillow under his head and stood up. I was really hoping he didn't hear, or feel, how fast my heart was beating before he fell asleep.

I decided to leave my phone on his bed because I didn't think I'd need it.... 'Nah' I grabbed as a last second thought. I quietly headed over to Kirishima's dorm. Good thing it was only 8:34 pm. I knocked twice.

"Go away!" That sounded like Bakugo. I guess they share a dorm. I heard soft laughter.

"Come in!" Kirishima called from inside. I opened the door, then closed it behind me. It seemed the right side of the room was Kirishima's and he was lying on his bed with a grumpy Bakugo in his arms.

"Told you we should've locked the damn door." Bakugo mumbled angrily. Kirishima smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Oh hush." Kirishima retorted. Bakugo looked up.

"What the he'll did you just-" He started. Kirishima cleared his throat.

"Anyway- what did you need?" Kirishima asked and looked at me.

"Oh um- can I sit down?" Bakugo looked like he wanted to argue this.

"Yeah, go ahead." I sat down next to Kirishima on his bed. How do I even start?

"Look, I don't know anything about Kamimari's home life-" Kirishima's eyes widened a bit. "But I asked our homeroom teacher if he knew anything. He didn't say what he knows, but he did tell me someone else told him about it. I kinda figured that "someone else" was you." I looked at Kirishima.

"Technically, it was both of us." Kirishima said, gesturing to Bakugo and himself.

"Oh- well anyway....I just wanted to thank you."

"For...?" Kirishima gave me a confused look.

"Well, for starters, that must mean you know he cuts himself, which-" I cut myself off, wondering if I said too much. Kirishima had a shocked look on his face and he let out a gasp. Bakugo looked...Well I don't even know how to describe it. 'Uh oh...'

"He.... He what...?" A tear rolled down Kirishima's cheek. My eyes widened. Kirishima looked at Bakugo. But the blonde, on the other hand, had his lips pursed and refused to make eye contact with Kirishima. It was a look of guilt. "Y-You knew about this?! And you didn't fucking tell me?!"

"Look I only found out a little bit ago-"

"That doesn't matter! You should have told me!" Kirishima let out small sob. I bit my tongue and looked between the two of them.

"You.... You didn't-..." I trailed off as I felt like hyperventilating. "Maybe I should go..."

"Wait-" Bakugo said as I got up. "You're his roommate?" I nodded slowly. "Do you care about him?" Bakugo asked in a normal voice, which must be quiet for him. "Listen- if you hurt him in any way, I will not hesitate to fucking kill you." Bakugo said slowly and threateningly. I nodded one last time and left.

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