Chapter Twenty-one

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— Eri —

"Can I go see Toshi?" Dad sighed.

"Yes- but only for a little bit and he knows he's not allowed to leave his dorm, so don't let him." Dad ordered. I nodded. I vaguely remember walking down to Toshi and Kami's dorm. I didn't knock, like usual, and closed the door behind me.

"Toshi? Kami?" I noticed Toshi was at his desk, trying to do homework. Kami was lying on his bed, staring off into space with a frown. I looked between the two. "Toshi! What happened?" He had bruises on his face.

— Shinso —

After Eri left, I flopped down on my own bed. I hadn't really known how to act around Kaminari or what I should do. I guess he must have noticed that I was almost completely ignoring him. I took a shower and when I laid back down on my bed, Kaminari looked at me like he wanted to lay down with me, but he didn't.

After an hour, I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up and walked over to him. I laid down behind him and wrapped an arm around him. It broke my heart when he flinched away from me. He didn't try to get away though.

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