Chapter Four

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— Shinso —

"You put this in my suitcase, didn't you?" I asked Eri and held up a cat toy. She tried to hide her giggle, but failed miserably.

"No!" She laughed.

"Mhm, surrreee" I said in false belief and gave her a small smile. I handed her the cat toy and she dangled it in front of Ponyboy; he jumped for it. Even though he wasn't technically a kitten anymore he still had the energy of one. I let Eri play with the cat for a little bit as I watched in awe. I loved both of them almost more than anything.

I smiled to myself and checked my phone for the time. I barely had time to make a mental note that Eri has to leave soon, with it being 1:30 pm and her having therapy at 3:00 pm, when the door opened. I heard a voice say, "What was that for?" followed by an unfamiliar laugh. A moment later, Kaminari appeared with the spiky red-head I saw earlier.

"Kirishima!" Kaminari grunted, trying to push, who I assumed was Kirishima, out the door.

"Okay okay! Fine! Ill stop....but wait-" Kirishima leaned forward and pressed his lips to Kaminari's. When the red-head pulled away, Kaminari crossed his arms. "It's friendly." Kirishima said. Kaminari snickered.

"You're more than 'friendly' with Bakugo." Kaminari mumbled. I knew by this point, I was at least blushing a little bit. I didn't hear what Kirishima had to say to that because Eri tapped my knee.

"Your face is red." She whispered into my ear. Ponyboy ran over to Kaminari. Eri yelled, "Flying cat!" I guess Kirishima left when the little one distracted me because he was no longer here.

"Oh!" Kaminari said in surprise. He smiled as Ponyboy wrapped his tail around Kaminari's ankle. He looked up at Eri and I. He put his hands behind his back and I caught him pulling his sleeves past his knuckles. But I don't think I was supposed to see that. Eri got up to throw her sucker stick away by the trash can beside my desk. She quickly climbed up into my lap, wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my chest.


"Do I have to go?" Eri whined.

"Yes. You know you have therapy today. I argued quietly. She pouted.

" B-But...." She looked like she was at a loss for words.

"Please?" I begged. "You've been doing so well." I said.

"Okay..." She said sadly.

"I love you." I said with a hug.

"I love you too. Can I come back tomorrow?" She asked, giving me puppy- dog eyes.

"After school, okay?" For some stupid reason, saying that made me want to listen to Melanie Martinez's After School EP album. Eri nodded and walked out the door with a squirmy Ponyboy. I grabbed my air pods off of my nightstand and put one in my ear. I went to Spotify on my phone and played Field Trip from that album. I've never told anyone that I listen to Melanie Martinez.

I wasn't sure what people would think of me. I've already been bullied most of my life for my quirk: Brainwashing. They'll surely figure out I'm gay then bully me for that too. I stood up, realizing I was still sitting on Kaminari's bed. He grabbed my arm.

"Can you stay?" He asked quietly.

"Why?" I think I accidentally had a mean look on my face because Kaminari instantly let go.

"Nevermind...." He took put his phone and leaned against the wall, tucking his knees up to his chest. I felt bad.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I can stay-"

"No. Its fine. Go do whatever, I guess" He said, sounding a little upset.

"Okay...." I finished, feeling bad.

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