Do I Wanna Know?

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A/N: From now on, the story will be in third person perspective.

Previosly On LIAR, LIAR: "So about those freak accidents in Hackensack..." (Y/N) asked, avoiding her mother's gaze.

"Oh, (Y/N), dear, those weren't accidents." Her mother smiled, looking (Y/N) dead in the eyes.

"We need to cut them off at the source. Chucky." Jake peered out the window to a sleek red car with a moving van following behind.

"What a shitty time to be moving to Hackensack-"

"Maybe we could warn them." Devon said to the two.

"Listen- This is going to sound crazy but we've got to warn you about something. To keep you and your family safe...." The one named Devon began, looking for a name

"(Y/N). (Y/N) Everest."

"Murderous dolls? Am I being filmed for a prank show or something?" I asked, a hint of laughter in my voice as I glanced around the street.

"No. We're being honest. Please, trust us on this one- We can't let anyone else get hurt." Devon said, looking into my eyes, flashing what Im sure is his signature 'you can trust me' look.

"So will you help us kill him?" Devon asked me, rather excitedly.


"C'mon (Y/N), you've got to help us." Pleaded Lexi. The blonde held both of her hands, looking into her eyes.

"I hardly know you three, and if helping you is going to get me killed-" The (H/C) girl began, pulling her hands away from hers.

"Well- We haven't died yet. The only people who know about Chucky is us. We've got to stick together. Please, (Y/N)?" Jake pleaded as well.

(Y/N) sighed, and thought for a second. Technically, she could tell her mother and say that it was all a scheme to find out their plans. And besides, Chucky couldnt kill Tiffany or her just yet. He needed them. Or else the plan wouldnt work.

"Fine. If helping you guys will keep my family safe, I'm in." (Y/N) agreed, the blonde pulling her into an uncharacteristic hug.

"Sorry about Lexi- she gets emotional sometimes-" Jake started, earning a glare from the blonde.

"So... would you mind coming iver to Jake's place with us?" Devon asked sheepishly, his head tilted towards his feet.

"I mean Id have to check in with my mom, but sure." (Y/N) smiled, walking back towards her home.

She closed the door behind her, locking it. "Mom...?" She called out into the home.

"Yes, dear?" Tiffany asked from another room, clearly busy with Nica.

"Can I go over to a friend's house?" (Y/N) half yelled, as the door to the room her mother was in was half shut.

"Im so proud you're making friends already!" Despite not seeing the womans face, (Y/N) could practically hear the grin on her mother's face. "Yes, but be back by 6:30, (Y/N/N)"

"Thanks mom!" (Y/N) said before heading out the door with her skateboard.

"Whats that for?" Devon asked, pointing to the skateboard as (Y/N) walked back to them.

"My mom said I had to be back by 6:30, so Im going to skateboard home- So, lets go..?" I replied.

Jake led the way back to his home. When the four arrived, (Y/N) was definetly impressed. The tall brunette male knocked on the door, another male answering.

"Whats this, Jake, bringing more friends over-?" He said. He looked around the same age as everyone else, his brown hair complimenting his gorgeous eyes. The male winked towards (Y/N), and leaned in the doorframe as if to block the four.

"Junior- Let us in." Jake said to his cousin.

"Alright, alright." He moved out of the way, letting the four enter the home.

"Apologies for my cousin, Jake. Never thought one of his weirdo friends would be so... stunning." A smirk was plastered on the brunette's face as (Y/N) grinned playfully.

"Nor did I think his cousin would be cute, but here we are."

Jake cleared his throat. "(Y/N). You coming?" He, Lexi, and Devon were halfway up the stairs, with a grunnon Devon's face.

"Right behind you. Sorry, uh.." She said, searching for a name.


"Right. Sorry Junior." (Y/N) apologized before heading up the stairs to Jake's bedroom.

The four sat in Jake's room, each taking turns explaining to (Y/N) the exact situation they were facing, and who they were up against.

Lexi had felt... an odd feeling in her heart when Junior flirted with (Y/N). She had hardly ever felt jealous. So why did her heart drop when she saw her ex-boyfriend smirking at who she wanted to become her best friend? Who was she jealous of?

"Lexiiii~" (Y/N) groaned, snapping the blonde out of her trance.

"You zoned out for a minute- And I think I know what you're thibking abooout" Teased Devon.

"Do you, now?" Shot back Lexi.

"Do you know?" Asked Devon, a grin on his face.

"Do I want to know?" The blonde pouted.

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