Killer Dolls Sound Ridiculous

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Previosly On LIAR, LIAR: "So about those freak accidents in Hackensack..." (Y/N) asked, avoiding her mother's gaze.

"Oh, (Y/N), dear, those weren't accidents." Her mother smiled, looking (Y/N) dead in the eyes.

"We need to cut them off at the source. Chucky." Jake peered out the window to a sleek red car with a moving van following behind.

"What a shitty time to be moving to Hackensack-"

"Maybe we could warn them." Devon said to the two.

(A/N: not all re-caps will be exactly as they were written in the OG chapters)

(Y/N)'s POV

I got out of the car, taking a few bags and suitcases out of the car and into my bedroom where I set them down. I would unpack them later. For now, I wanted to cherish the time that I got in Hackensack before we moved again.

Grabbing my earbuds and phone, my phone rested in the pockets of my (f/c) hoodie with the earbuds in my ears playing (song name).

I walked out the door into the crisp autumn air, my eyes darting across the scenery. I feel someone tap me on the shoulder once I've left the property, on the sidewalk.

Stopping for a moment to take out my earbuds, I turn to face the stranger- or, strangers.

A tall, dark haired male with fair skin and dark brown eyes to match his dark curly hair. A blonde, with gorgeous eyes and a fair complexion. She seemed more put together than the other two. And the shortest of the group being a dark skinned male with short dark hair and trusting eyes.

"You're new here aren't you-" The taller male said, looking from me to my mother's red car.

"Yep- And you are...?" I asked, rather confused as to what these people wanted.

"Jake. And these two are Devon and-"

"Lexi." The blonde cut him off. She smiled, holding out her hand for me to shake. I shook her hand, wiping my own on my hoodie shortly after.

"Listen- This is going to sound crazy but we've got to warn you about something. To keep you and your family safe...." The one named Devon began, looking for a name.

"(Y/N). (Y/N) Everest." I said, not sharing my true surname. Although there was no connection of Jennifer Tilly to the infamous Good Guy Doll murders, I still felt obligated to hide my true last name from these people whom I just met.

"Right. Anyways, (Y/N), this is going to sound crazy, but stay away from redheaded dolls. With the whole Good Guy emblem on their overalls and stuff." Lexi continued for Devon.

"Did someone lose a doll or something...?" I asked, pretending to be rather clueless for the three.

"Yes and no. Those dolls... they're possesed. They kill people. One got my dad." Jake spoke, looking at his shoes as if he expected me not to believe him.

Of course, I did. Hell, my own father possesed these dolls! But we all know how it would play out if I had said "Oh yea, my dad is the one who posseses those things!"

"Murderous dolls? Am I being filmed for a prank show or something?" I asked, a hint of laughter in my voice as I glanced around the street.

"No. We're being honest. Please, trust us on this one- We can't let anyone else get hurt." Devon said, looking into my eyes, flashing what Im sure is his signature 'you can trust me' look.

"Killer dolls-? That sounds ridiculous. Then again... what reason would you have to lie?" I said, avoiding Devon's gaze. "My mother will never believe me... but if you guys are actually telling the truth... I guess it's better to keep people safe."

"So will you help us kill him?" Devon asked me, rather excitedly.

"Wait a second! I didnt say anything about helping you three kill some barbie doll." Killing my own father? When he can still possess Nica? When he could literally kill me ? Uhm, no thanks. He has multiple lives, and the last time I checked, I only had one.

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