Chapter Twenty-One

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(*January 1st, 2022*)

(*The host is now 6 months pregnant, but not in real life*)

Me: *wobbles into the kitchen where everyone else is eating breakfast* Happy New Year! 🎊

All nine of the Kiss guys: Happy New Year Emily!

Me: *carefully sits down at the table, holding onto my pregnant belly as I do so*

Paul: So, how's the pregnancy going?

Me: Well...*giggles and then feels the baby moving around inside* It's been like a rollercoaster. My stomach used to be small, but it's gotten bigger with every month passing. But aside from the nausea, the back pain, and mood swings that I've had every now and then, my first-time pregnancy has been an interesting journey for me.

Gene: *smiles politely* Well, I know from experience during the time when my girl Shannon was pregnant with Nick, and then we had Sophie.

Me: *feels a little bit of a rough kick coming from inside my pregnant belly* Ouch! That really hurt.

Eric Carr: *sniffs my hand while he is in his fox form* (Emily?) (What's bothering you?)

Me: *groans and then tries to make the pain go away by gently rubbing my swollen stomach* Don't panic, my sweet little bundle of joy. You'll be out of there in about two months.

Paul: I almost forgot about that.

Bruce Kulick: It's hard to believe that you and Vinnie are gonna be parents.

Eric Singer: I guess the time flies by when something amazing is about to happen.

Me: *lets out a sigh of relief* That's it, just relax.

Eric Carr: *sniffs my other hand and then gets an understanding that everything is okay*

Me: *giggles quietly* Aw, you're such a silly fox, Little Caesar.

Eric Carr: *sticks his tongue out, making everyone laugh* 😝

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