Chapter Three

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(*So, Michael Jackson has decided to stay at the spare building temporarily until the baby is born, and he's bringing his children with him*)

Me: *is one month pregnant* Who's gonna get a dare next? I'm so excited! 😁

Dixie the fox: *sees a few dares appear outside the front door and yips excitedly as she goes through the doggie door to go and get it*)

Vinnie: Aww. What a sweet fox Dixie has become.

Me: Mmhm. 🙂

Michael Jackson: Why is there a small door attached to the back door?

Me: It's a doggie door that we have so the Kiss guys that have animal forms can go outside.

Michael Jackson: *laughs* That's really funny.

Dixie the fox: *comes back inside through the doggie door with the dares that are pieces of paper inside her mouth while yipping happy*

Michael Jackson: What is she doing now?

Me: *sees that Dixie the fox is about to do something mischievous* Oh no! She's trying to eat the dares!

Vinnie: Dixie! Bad girl! *stands up and walks towards Dixie the fox*

Dixie the fox: *snarls and sticks her butt on the dares*

Michael Jackson: *gets an idea* Dixie! Come here, sweetie! *picks up a toy ball and squeezes it to make it squeak*

Dixie the fox: *looks up with her fox ears pointed up and rushes over to MJ*

Michael Jackson: *throws the toy across the room*

Dixie the fox: *yips excitedly and goes after the toy*

Vinnie: *grabs the dares that are on pieces of paper* Gotcha...*then gives the dares to me*

Me: *giggles* Thank you Vinnie. Our next dare is for Paul! He's been dared to do the splits.

Paul: Wait...what? 😧

Ace: *snickers* Just do it and get it over with, curly! 😆

Paul: Why me, though?

Vixen91: *giggles* We all know that you used to do all kinds of things like that on stage back in the day.

Paul: Okay, FINE. *gets up from his seat and walks over to the middle of the living room*

(*Paul Stanley does the splits and just as he almost had it going, he felt like he just pulled a muscle*)

Paul: Owww! 😣 *flops down onto the floor so that he's lying on his back *

Me: *giggles as I look down at Paul* Tough it out, glitter britches.

Michael Jackson: *helps Paul get back up on his feet*

Paul: Thank you, Michael. *groans painfully as he sits down on the sofa*

Me: Can you do the splits, Applehead?

Michael Jackson: *shakes his head and then smiles* Nope. 🙂

Me: *can feel the baby moving around in my pregnant belly* Ooh...! This little baby already has a personality. Maybe it'll have a talent like you, Vinnie. *winks playfully*

Vinnie: *chuckles and stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my swollen stomach*

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