She was about to question it when it hit her. Today was the day of Prom, the same Prom that Seojun had used to set a bet around for Haeri, the same one that she had asked Seojun to only to be told that their whole relationship had been a lie.

Haeri had spent weeks trying to forget about everything that the whole event on its own slipped her mind, and she was glad as she didn't want to think about it. Yet here Eunae was, standing before her with some attire to wear to the event.

"Wait, this isn't about prom is it? Because-" she said, beginning to argue with her sister when she got cut off.

"Look, I know what you're going to say and I get it, Seojun screwed up. What he did was horrible, selfish and even disgusting." Eunae stated and Haeri gave her a look.

"Okay. Then why are you here?" she muttered and Eunae heaved out a sigh.

"Because-" she said looking down on the ground with a frown, unable to look Haeri in the eyes, "You've finally been so happy after God knows how long Haeri." she said and Haeri knew what she really meant was that she was finally happy after her mom's death, but she didn't want to mention it as it was a touchy subject.

"You have amazing friends and you smile so much more now, I just-" she said as she finally looked up at her sister with tears now welled up, "It's not fair for you to throw all that away because of one person."

Haeri was at a loss of words. Though she understood where her sister was coming from, she didn't know how to respond and so she remained quiet, "I know Seojun hurt you." Eunae began again, "But please don't let it ruin your life, not after I finally got the real you back."


Haeri wasn't sure how, but she was somehow convinced by Eunaes words and ended up going to the dance. Though it was very last minute, she somehow managed to get herself ready and even a date, which she didn't really consider a date, with Suho as Eunae had also convinced him to go, especially with her sister. When the two had arrived, they hung by the food stands for a bit and engaged in some fun conversation before Haeri had to excuse herself to the bathroom to which Suho went and sat by an empty table.

As he listened to one of his favorite songs by his favorite artist play he couldn't help but softly smile.

Meanwhile, Jugyeong who was also seated on an empty table by herself hummed to the song that currently played and sighed, "I love this song."

To this Suho was shocked as he hadn't met anyone who listened to the same songs as him, let alone the same Artist, and so he decided to perk up a conversation with the lonely girl as he had always been intrigued by her ever since her arrival to their school.

"What a classic." Jugyeong looked up wondering where the voice came from and was surprised to see it was none other than Lee Suho himself sitting only a few chairs away from her. Though his usual cold expression was there, he seemed somewhat happy for once and Jugyeong had to admit, his attire really suited him.

When Jugyeong realized his response had been directed at her she gave him an awkward smile, "I didn't know you were coming to prom." she muttered practically feeling butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

Suho nodded, giving her a small yet soft smile, and if Jugyeong could, she would've taken a picture of that smile as to her, it was just enough to cure hundreds of heartbreaks. "I didn't either until about an hour ago," he answered.

Jugyeong nodded now with a curious look and decided to ask a question that had been on her mind since the moment she noticed his presence, "Did you bring a date?"

Suho nodded, "Yeah, but I wouldn't really call her a date." Upon those words, Jugyeong got a weird feeling in her stomach. She wasn't sure whether she could call it jealousy or not, but she didn't feel happy knowing Suho had brought a date with him to the dance.

However when she looked up at the direction he was looking at to where she assumed his dad was at, the weird feeling in her stomach was gone and that stern look on her face was suddenly replaced with an excited smile.

"Haeri, you came." she said, jumping to her feet at once and rushing over to hug the said girl. It had been days since the two had last seen each other and Jugyeong had to admit, she had really missed her presence during those days.

"Hey Jugyeong." Haeri laughed as the two pulled away from the hug.

"You look great." Jugyeong exclaimed as she glanced at her friend's attire which consisted of a long flowy pink dress paired with gorgeous white heels.

To say she was surprised over the fact that Haeri had even come to prom was understandable. After the events, she knew Haeri wouldn't be up to going to the dance, let alone hearing of it. It's why she, Soojin and Sua didn't bring it up once, besides the one time Jugyeong told her if she changed her mind the two could go together as friends and enjoy the party on their own. However, she was ecstatic that her friend was finally being back to happy again and not allowing the dumb decisions of her friend to affect her.

"You want to dance?" Haeri asked, now more energetic, "Come on." she said, pulling both Suho and Jugyeong onto the dance floor.

Though Suho stood awkwardly between the two girls who jumped around and swayed their arms as well as hips around as if there was no tomorrow, he slightly bobbed his head to the beat and swayed his hands which were in fists around as if he were some sort of robot. Haeri had to admit she was having fun with Jugeyong and Suho with her. She was glad she had listened to Eunae and didn't end up skipping the event as it was a once in a lifetime event. Plus so far she hadn't managed to run into Seojun or even Mi-na at the event at all- god bless the enormous size of the venue.

She wanted it to stay that way, but she knew it wouldn't as at some point they would announce the prom king and queen up on stage, and knowing Seojuns reputation, she was sure he would get the title. However, she didn't want to have to face him, at least not yet. So before the presentation of the title could come, Haeri found herself bidding her friends goodbye and calling it a night.

As Haeri walked towards the exit of the venue she whipped out her phone to let her dad and sister know she'd be arriving soon. She wasn't expecting to find anyone along the way to the exit, especially given the fact that they were announcing prom king and queen as she was leaving. So she was surprised to say the least when she heard a familiar voice trail after her.

"You're leaving already?" Haeri looked up and saw it was none other than Sungyeong leaning by the doors of the venue.

Haeri nodded at the boy's question, "Yeah, I've had enough dancing for one night."

Upon this the boy gestured to his car, "Do you need a lift?" he asked and Haeri raised her brows at his question. It's not like the two were particularly close, even when she hung out with Seojun and his friends, she always kept a distance from Sungyeong as she found him particularly weird.

However upon noticing Haeris expression the boy quickly cleared his throat, "I mean it's just, I don't think there's going to be any cabs or busses running around the area at this hour,"

Haeri thought about it for a moment before deciding to give in. It was just a ride, what would be the harm in that?

"Why not." she muttered as she followed behind the boy towards his car.

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate that this chapter has not been edited yet )

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