Chapter 01: My first day

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( Isaac's P.O.V)

Wow America is really nice, it's far better than Uganda. I was too flabbergasted on coming out of the plane.
I smiled," the airport it's so lit."

I came out, I got my laguge, trust me the last thing I wanted to do was getting out of this airport.

"You can't get out without a mask," the fine looking gentleman at the door said.

I looked at him and picked my Covid vaccine id n showed him.

He smiled
"Hey men, don't you know that that could be forged." He said

"Why do you come from? ".
He asked

I got my bags and walked away from him...
" He is too stupid, how dare he."

"Fuck you!! Watch it."

I bumped at him,I immediately stopped speaking to myself
I picked his phone and gave it to him.
"Am so so sorry."

"Whatever." He walked away

I folded my hands, I was ready to hit him.
Before I could raise my hands at him a taxi stopped buy me.
It honked.

"Hey nigga what were you doing?"

I gave him a simple crocodile smile and said,"can you take me to Loss Angeles University."

"Sure, enter."

I was nervous,I ain't in Uganda anymore,Am here to study on a scholarship.

I opened the boot and put my bags in it and closed it.
I opened the door of the car and enter in it.

"Where are you from?"

Me: " Uganda."

"Damnit dude, that's cool."

Me: " yeah"

Oh I could hear the car slowing down
Oh there was actually a lot of traffic.
He stopped the car, he waited for the lights go to green.

My stomach rumbled, I was hungry
" should I tell him that I need something to eat,no lemme just ask for the location."

"We have arrived."

Me: what really?

I guess when I was dreaming he was driving

"It will be 20 bucks."

I pulled the money and gave him his money.

I came out with my luggage, oh they were just waiting for me.
They took my bag to my room
I remained with the principal since I had to sign some forms.

After that I went to the room my bags were taken to.
Omg it was search a beautiful room, on entering the room the smell of the room was too nice it was like they sprayed fragrance from heaven in it.

The beauty of the room was more than tantalizing with well arranged beds except the half part of the room was painted pink.

"Oh no, I can't live together with this thing."
One of the 4 girls said
"Haha." They all laughed.

I didn't bother, I just picked my clothes and them to the wardrobe that was empty.

"Lisa, who was the British girl?"

"Joy , I don't know anything ask him."

I pretended that I didn't hear, I mean literally why did they put me in a room filled with girls. It's unfair I thought I mean am becoming and besides am stuck with this racists.

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