𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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IMOGEN: Defiling the body of a fallen soldier and turning it into a booby trap is sadly par for the course for Valentine, isn't it? 


[Cut to the Institute.]

ALEC: A possessing demon wouldn't have done this on its own.

ROSE: The trap could only have been set using the Mortal Cup to command it. 

ELIJAH: He had it all along. 

IMOGEN: So he had it all along.

ALEC: And our intel shows he's also in possession of the Mortal Sword.

IMOGEN: Do you have any good news for me today, Mr. Lightwood?

ALEC: Valentine and Jonathan believe that the New York Institute is in possession of the Mortal Mirror. They won't leave the city without it.

IMOGEN: Thank the Angel that at least he wasn't able to find that.

ALEC: We were. Clary? Rose?

CLARY: My connection with the Angel led us to it.

ROSE: It's in Idris. The Mirror is Lake Lyn.

IMOGEN: That's the very same water that Raziel first rose from. Who else knows about this?

JACE: Unfortunately, the number of people we can trust is getting smaller by the day. We thought it'd be best to tell you first. And we'd like to officially request soldiers from the Gard to be placed in the surrounding woods around the lake. It may only be a matter of time before Valentine realizes he's been had. 

IMOGEN: I'll speak to Consul Malachi about deployment at once. Good hunting. 

ACHATIUS: You should not have trusted Malachi. 

[They end the call.]

JACE: So what do we do now?

CLARY: There's only nine million people in the metro area. How hard could it be to find two?

ALEC: The job is too big to go alone. We need to ask for help.

JACE: From who, Alec? 

KLAUS: Everyone.  

[Alec rises from his chair.]

ALEC: From everyone.


[Magnus, Luke, and Raphael are having a meeting at Magnus'.]

MAGNUS: After the night is through you're gonna wish you had these.

[Magnus hands Luke and Raphael their drinks. Luke and Raphael put them down on the coffeetable. Magnus sits down.]

LUKE: Look, just because you're not willing to face Alec sober, doesn't mean the rest of us shouldn't walk into this emergency council meeting levelheaded.

MAGNUS: No need to be hurtful.

LUKE: You're right. I'm sorry. It was a long night with the cubs.

RAPHAEL: Where's Meliorn?

[Magnus holds up his hand for a second.]

MAGNUS: The Queen will be attending this very special meeting in his place.

LUKE: And exactly how do you know that?

MAGNUS: She told me. And I'd suggest you both cozy up to her, sooner rather than later.

𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄-𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓪𝓰𝓪Where stories live. Discover now