CH20 - Self Reflection. . .

Start from the beginning

"Shut up!" He snapped back with a small glare as he turned himself invisible as well.

"Cut it out you two." The woman told them off as she reached up to her pink headband and fixed it with one pull. "What had been done, it's done, and there is no changing in the past now. So, stop your ego for a second Shunjun and make sure that you are careful with your words. You too Rinbai. We are in a territory where two powerful criminals are hiding, so we better watch out, and most importantly be quiet about." The men nodded their head begrudgingly, bored with the cookie cutter like speech, but they also knew she was right and they are not sent to play around and have fun. They had a job to do.

After a moment of silent agreements, the trio went toward the path where the temple is.

Inside the healing room where Miyuki's body is resting, the girl's spiritual self was still in the shadows with hands covering her mouth to prevent herself to be exposed. Her wide-open eyes were fixated on the Fire Apparition's figure who was still staring down at the sleeping form that is on the bed, sending a longing look toward her with his eyes that his own shadow was hiding at the moment.

His figure blocking the moonlight but some of it still caressing the girl's cheeks.

As usual, Hiei couldn't help himself but be mesmerized by Miyuki's relaxed expression, but the more he stares at it, the more pain he felt by the torment within his core grew, which kept on reminding him about what he caused. . .

How he was the one that hurt her. . . be the catalyst of Miyuki's suffering. . .

The very thought of that tied a knot on his guts like shoe laces, making it hard for him to think straight. . . but. . . there was one thing that is lingering inside his mind. . . something that he thought was a clear conclusion. . .

And at that conclusion the Fire Demon's hand went up to his chest, his finger's feeling the ring's shape under that layer of black fabric. And with great hesitation, his hand shakily moved up to his scarf after a great pause, and went to catch the blue ribbon around his neck.

Miyuki gasped in silence, and horror when she saw Hiei bring out the Phoenix Ring into the view.

Usually, whenever he touches that particular object, he would feel comfort, reassurance. . . peace. . . It would remind him of his beloved and the warmth of her kindness and love. . . the calm of his storm . . .

But now. . .

It's just a constant reminder of how he had caused her to struggle more. . . gave her a hard time. . . But the most painful thing of all is the thought of how fate maybe had a reason to separate him from the girl. . . or more like take the girl's soul away from his arms . . .

That very though killed Hiei slowly on the inside. . .

Before all this, he knew once he finds the three things in his life, everything after that becomes empty to him. . . meaningless. . . He remembered how fine he had just accepted that idea. . . how he was so used to it and though he would already be ready to live with that fact while lying to his own heart about not needing any closeness or love. . . But then Miyuki walked into his life, and now he can't. . . no. . . it was now impossible to imagine his life without her in it . . . without the reason to live. . . 

Flaming Hearts ~ Hearts On Fire ~ Book4 [DISCONTINUED] {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now