Chapter Thirteen: Hope And Despair

Start from the beginning

He sat up swinging his legs out from underneath the covers, he was still wearing the same clothes as the day before and the smell he gave off was as close to a piece of cheese going mouldy. His eyes were red and puffy from fresh tears; his grease riddled hair was stuck out in all different angles. He really was a mess, and his eyes held that same look he'd seen in the eyes of his brother when he'd fallen into a similar state after his first real fight.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty" said Michal with a small smile.

"What do you want?" snapped Jamie irritable about being disturbed as his eyes narrowed staring daggers at the South African.

"To pull you out of this cesspit you've dragged yourself into" said Michal determined not to take any lip from the boy.

"Don't talk down to me, you haven't got the right to or have any idea how I feel" said Jamie rubbing his eyes to try and banish the last remnants of sleep.

"I have killed plenty of people, and I have seen even more die Jamie, so believe me when I say that I do know how you feel." said Michal feeling his anger flaring but putting it aside knowing the boy was merely lashing out. When Jamie said nothing in return Michal pushed on

"I want to help you Jamie, I see a lot of myself and Farn in both you and Taylor, and you two are nothing short of brothers yourselves." "Jamie, Farn and I are going to take you to visit your brother, your parents went yesterday during your mission and they are desperate for you to see him" said Michal hoping this idea would help to cheer him up.

"Is he awake? asked Jamie looking up piercing Michal with his gaze, anger and hope mixed into his features.

"Not yet, but you still need to see him with everything going on we haven't been able to do it but with the locator dead we can get you to see him." "Don't you want to see your brother Jamie?" asked Michal.

"Of course I do, I just hate going there not knowing whether he's ever going to wake up or not, but I should go anyway it's been too long" said Jamie running his hands through his hair grimacing at the grease which matted the strands together.

"God I'm in need of a shower" said Jamie. For the first time in twenty-four hours he laughed a hearty laugh which Michal joined in on feeling his heart warm at seeing Jamie back to his old self.


After driving from Lavernock Point in the now so familiar black land rovers, they arrived in Bath parking at Bath RUH. Pulling into the car park it was bland and just made you think of a hospital, organised with no trees or sense of warmth. Plus they'd had to pay to park which as far as Taylor was concerned was disgusting. People visiting had enough problems let alone being made to pay to see loved ones. Their group consisted of Taylor, Jamie, the twins and Joseph which surprised Taylor and Jamie.

"So I'm guessing your here in case any Cyturion's show up, how close do you have to be to hear their thoughts?" Jamie had asked on the drive over curious as to how far his power stretched in strength.

"Yea that's why I'm here and trust me I can hear them far enough" Joseph had said with a wink.

On approach to the hospital Taylor admired how the main building looked so presentable. The building was a cream colour with much lighter browns in places, namely the sides and the section which held up the roof. Grey also outlined the tops of the various windows which dotted about the structure, made more prominent by the sun glinting from the reflective surface of their glass. It was a beautiful structure despite it being a hospital, Taylor never liked hospitals. He'd spent an hour in there a few years ago with a busted up ankle from rugby, even that was enough for him. The place smelt of disinfectant and seemed to hold no warmth, the walls pure white and uninviting. The way towards the hospital was also very modern looking. The path was made up of light grey paving snaking between the glorious green of the grass surrounding it, with plastic black poles along the sides of the path used to light it at night.

The Embers Book I: The First Fires Of WarWhere stories live. Discover now