Part 6

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After the announcement of the recoupling, I had a lot of thinking to do. All of the boys in the Villa are great and it's been nice getting to know them. I'm sitting on the day beds with Anton and Tommy, talking about the recoupling.

"Who do you think is the most worried?" I asked, reaching up to pull my sunglasses over my eyes.

"Probably all of the boys." Anton said. "Cause no matter what, it's down to your decision really."

"Wow, way to put pressure on a girl." I said with an uncomfortable laugh. I was scared about how much influence I had on the situation of who goes home, because I just don't want anyone to go.

I'm going to go with my gut at the end of the day and hope I make the right choice.

"Don't even worry about it." Tommy said placing a hand on my shoulder. "You'll do the right thing at the end of the day."

Tommy and Anton both leave the day bed, leaving me to think about it. I sighed loudly, before throwing my head down on the pillow. I do not like this.

"You seem stressed." I open my eyes to see Joe towering over me. I laugh slightly before welcoming him to sit next to me. "How you feeling?"

"Honestly, I just don't know who to pick at the moment because you are all great lads. I'm worried that if I make the wrong decision, people are going to dislike me and that's not my aim to make anyone upset."

"If I was you Phoebe, I just go for it and ignore what anyone else thinks because they aren't you and sometimes people will never understand your reasons for things, but if you stay true to yourself, then everything will be okay."

I nodded, understanding what he means, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm not going to lie, I am a bit worried." he said.

"Because of Lucie."

"Yeah, cause I think if the roles were reversed and it was me picking, it would be easy for me to instantly choose her, but I think she's more got her eyes on Tommy. It makes me worried because I don't have a connection with anyone else here, so if she choses him I'm most likely going home."

I do feel bad for Joe because he is a great guys and I think Lucie has strung him along a little, making him grasp on to a small bit of hope that she does pick him.

"I get what you mean, but we've just got to keep hoping and see what happens." I told him, giving him a hug across the day bed. "It's gonna be okay."

"I'VE GOT A TEXT." we heard Yewande screech.

"Fucking hell, I shit myself." Michael says from beside her, obviously as surprised as we were.

"Boys it's time to show the girls what you are made of as you take on todays challenge. The good, the bad and the sexy #Saddleup #Notmyfirstrodeo." 


Us girls stood off to the side as the boys came running up in their cowboy outfits. The boys had to do one lap of the whole course, as we rated them of how sexy they were doing it. 

They had to strip down, then riding the mechanical bull while throwing house shoes at pegs, they then collect the thing of the Barrell while being strayed with paint, before untying their partner from a train track 

Michael went first and he honestly looked good. Followed by Ovie, who got a steamy kiss with Anna after. 

Then it was Tommy and I did get quite jealous that he was paired with Lucie but obviously they are a couple so I couldn't do anything about it. Joe also looked very unimpressed as I watched him looking everywhere else. It also bothered me that kissing each other wasn't a requirement but they still did it. Again, I can't do anything though.

Callum was next, making us all laugh when he failed to rip his pants off, then jumping over the bull when he tried to jump on it. 

The Curtis who came out using his dancing skills. 

Then Joe choose Lucie to do it with. 

The Anton who At the end he kissed me on the cheeks showing me he is a gentlemen. 

At the end of the challenge, we decided that Michael was the sexiest cowboys. 

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