mcyt: visit

35 2 1

word count: 5003

Fandom: IRL!MCYT
Pairing: TommyInnit x Elder!Brother!Reader
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship: Familial/Platonic
Occupation: Automotive Engineer
Ability: N/A


[M/N]: Male Name
[H/C]: Hair Color
[E/C]: Eye Color
[S/C]: Skin Color

Warnings: n/a

"[M/N]!" said man let out a laugh when his younger brother let out a loud cheer, rushing down the stairs before proceeding to tackle his elder brother into a hug, wrapping his arms around his waist while his arms were around his neck and his face ...

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"[M/N]!" said man let out a laugh when his younger brother let out a loud cheer, rushing down the stairs before proceeding to tackle his elder brother into a hug, wrapping his arms around his waist while his arms were around his neck and his face buried into the crook of his neck "Why the fuck didn't you tell me you were coming down to visit?" [M/N] Simons, the elder brother to TommyInnit, and not just an elder brother figure, but his genuine and blood related brother. If people were to describe what the elder Innit looked like, they would probably say that he looked like a more mature and elder version of Tommy with longer/short [H/C] locks and a more broader form while being a couple inches taller than Tommy.

"I thought I could surprise you, Tommy." he replies with a laugh, managing to keep himself up right from being knocked over "Did I surprise you? Huh? Did I? Did I?" he let out a laugh when Tommy peeled himself off him to give his older brother a hard smack to the arm, causing him to let out a cry but he still laughed anyways.

"Fuck off! I didn't like this surprise at all! Should have brought a souvenir with you while you were gone." Tommy grumbled under his breath, what he meant by that was the fact that [M/N] was studying abroad in Singapore, majoring in Engineering as he studied at the National University of Singapore. The acceptance rate to get into the National University of Singapore was 5-7% and [M/N] was lucky enough to get accepted, he was happy nonetheless but the fact that he had to study abroad for about four years, it was heart breaking. Tommy was about thirteen years old when he received the news, at first he didn't take it too well and locked himself in his room for hours on end. He had a really close relationship with his brother and hearing that he was leaving to another country, he resented his brother because he wasn't going to see him as often as he wanted.

It took a lot of convincing and long talks from outside his room to get Tommy to unlock the door, when he opened it and peeked his head inside, he let out a soft sigh when he saw Tommy sitting on his bed with his blankets draped over him. His body was trembling as he let out hiccups and whimpers, [M/N] took a seat beside him on his bed and gently placed his head where he believed his head was and stroked it gently and whispered sweet nothings and words of comfort to ease his brother out of his cocoon. He spent the rest of his time in England hanging out with his brother and sleeping in his room before he eventually had to leave for Singapore, he also had to try his damned hardest not to laugh when Tommy continued to sob his heart out while they were at the airport to watch him board his plane. He will never let the younger one live it down.

During his four years studying in Singapore, he would keep in touch with Tommy via texts or face time. Tommy would often talk all day through the night before eventually talking himself to sleep, most times on calls it would be Tommy saying how much he missed his elder brother and wished for him to come home so they could hang like they used to. To ease his brother, he would often seen souvenirs or send postcards from places he visited while staying in Singapore, he spoke about the friends he made while staying there and how he was being taught Malay and a bit of Mandarin Chinese, to which he would try to teach Tommy over face time. Now when it was 2020-2021 and Tommy started getting more and more popular on Twitch and YouTube, [M/N] would catch wind of his popularity and start watching his videos and VODs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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